
Rubber bands braces question..?

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i had my braces on 5th May 2008 , i needed to extract 4 teeth ,

i have 2 lower front teeth crooked , my upper teeth are almost straight now , and im having rubber bands next month ,

my question is will the rubber bands move my upper jaw backward? cuz my upper jaw is still the same, i want my upper teeth to go backward not only to get them straight , and those two lower teeth are still crooked now , will rubber bands fix everything ? is that what rubber bands do ??





  1. The rubber bands are used to move teeth forward or back in your mouth. For example, they could be used to move your  lower teeth forward or back, to move a tooth that is far our of alignment, or to close a space in your mouth. The rubber bands are often used in the final stages of the orthodontic treatment. I remember wearing the rubber bands in the different sizes throughout the course of wear of my braces and it took a while to get used to them.Overall,they do work.

    I hope this was helpful,Take Care!!! :)

  2. the elastic bands will fix your bite...whether you have an underbite or an overbite. they dont do anything to actually straighten individual teeth.

    im not sure how the bands will move your jaw, it depends on the type of bite you have. for example i ahd an overbite which is very commmon, its when your top jaw comes down infront of your bottom jaw. when they put the elastics on, over time, my top jaw ultimately moved backwards, and my bottom jaw forwards.

    once you get the elastics, every time you go there youll probaably have to wear them a different way, although sometimes its the same. honestly, when you have them you can feel kinda stupid wearing them and you think "are they crazy? these rubber bands arent going to help me!" but really, they do!

    to make sure they work how theyre supposed to: wear them exactly how your ortho tells them to. no if ands or buts! you dont wear the elastics you arent going to get your braces off!!!

    take them out for meals and when you brush your teeth.

    replace them each day, for 2 reasons: first of all, theyll get dirty and yucky. second of all after a days worth of talking and just opening/closing your mouth obviously the elastic will start to stetch, so to make sure you still have decent pressure in there, put ona new pair every night before you go to bed

    if you yawn and they break or anything like that, dont worry just put in another one!

    becareful when you actually take out the elastics from their little bag, look them over. some i noticed in my bags were really thin, skinny asnd well, weak! dont use those just throw them out and just use the healthy-looking ones

    if you run out of them, just drop into your orthos office to pick up another bag or two, theyre free.

    well i hope this information has been of some help to you!!

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