
Rubbing of genitals cause pregnancy? HELP?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I were rubbing genitals, like the tip of the p***s was just rubbing around on my clitoris (top of vag) and im not sure of the clear stuff out of him came out, it prob did but we did not ejactulate down there. we only did it twice. I ready that the sperm from a liquid from the p***s can swim up into your vag, but im not sure if that is the ejactulation (white stuff) or the clear stuff? Do you know? I have no signs of pregnancy, no nausia, no constantly peeing, no tenderness of the b*****s but im still waiting for my period. I am nervous that i could be pregnant. I am a worry wart and i worry about little things and to help me i need peoples advice and what they think about this. PLEASE HELP




  1. You could be.

    The only way to know is for you to find out yourself

    We cant tell you here.

    Good luck

  2. The clear stuff was "pre-come" more properly called pre-ejaculate, and it DOES contain sperm (10-30 thousand of the little guys).  It's not as big a deal as a full ejaculation (containing about 10 MILLION sperm) but remember: it only takes ONE sperm to get a girl pregnant.  This is why the withdrawal method ("pulling out") fails about 40% of the time.

    DO be more careful in the future.  If there's going to be ANY genital contact, a condom is a MUST.  If you're going to participate in ANY sort of sexual contact then adequate protection MUST BE USED every single time!!

  3. it is possible but not very likelyy

  4. Yes you can become pregnant that way.  It happened to a friend of mine.  Don't mess around.  Or get the pill.  

  5. it could happen, but depends on many factors, if he is fit and it happened in the proper time, it may happen, pregnancy test may help, or if u got period

  6. Better take some s*x education classes, ask an adult or go to planned parenthood clinic, before you have an ooops!!!

  7. First change  your  Avatar. Because your question is soooo  female rather then your Male Avatar.

    Second it’s a great sin to spill.

  8. You could be

  9. it is very unlikely that you are pregnant. this is called pre-***, and does contain traces of sperm in it. if it did not go inside you then you should be fine however its not gaurentted everything is goin to be all ok.

  10. NO,

    less than 1% chance of a sperm being able to swim u the v****a into the womb. If ur period doesnt come soon go to ur gp but atm dont worry


  11. yes you might be pregant, best thing is get a test and you can get preggers even if you are just rubbing genitals as the man releases sperm even before he comes so next time use a comdom or dont do it and you dont normally get all the preg symtons untill youre about 8wks or more gone, good luck sweetxx

  12. No, if he didn't ejaculate inside you then you're not pregnant.

    If a sperm is ejaculated into the v****a and doesnt meet an egg then it will die within 12 hours or so..

    If it gets ejaculated outside of the v****a then it usually dies instantly.

  13. Its not very likely, but next time you have his p***s near your v****a tell him to not be silly and to wrap up his willy ;)

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