
Rubik's cube questions...?

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I used Dan Brown's method of solving the rubiks cube. I have already lubed it, and I have a few questions.

1. Are there any methods out there that are quicker yet similar to Dan Browns method and

2. Are there any other very good videos explaining a different method on youtube and/or metacafe?

3. What would you say is the quickest method of solving the rubiks cube and

4. Are there any good instructional videos ANYWHERE on the internet that teach thus and other methods besides Dan Browns?

Thanks, and leave lots of links!




  1. Ooh, Dan Brown's tutorial... is one of the slowest I've ever seen >.< No offense, his tutorial is easy to learn but super slow.

    There are easier ways.

    1. There is a much more faster version of Dan's LBL method. If you want a video tutorial, Thrawst of YouTube has a VERY helpful video. His channel is

    If you want the text/picture tutorial, it's at Jasmine's Beginner Page.

    If you REALLY want to get fast and you're determined enough to learn from an extra 10-100 algs, there's something called the Fridrich Method. This is described on many sites, but Shotaro Makisumi has one of the best!

    If you want to get fastER and you want to learn minimal algs, learn the Petrus Method. It's pretty intuitive! Here's the original site, by the creator, Lars Petrus.

    There're other methods out there, but the three I listed above are mainstream. If you want a descrip of any other methods ask me and I'll help out!

    2. As I've already explained, Thrawst of YouTube has a great tutorial for the easy LBL but better than Dan Brown's.

    As far as I know, Fridrich and Petrus methods are easier learned through notation and through the tutorials listed above.

    3. 95% of the fastest speedsolvers in the world use Fridrich! Why? There're 139 algorithms for Fridrich, with many extra concepts. All of these, when practiced constantly and applied correctly, produce extremely quick solves. The onlly exception to this that I've found is the Roux method, developed by Gilles Roux, which is MUCH more intuitive, involves better maneruverability, and requires a much lesser alg count.

    4. I've already answered this above =]


  2. try either or the first website is the best one for a beginner. after you've learn how to do it go to and find the fridrich method. first learn the olls then the plls. to do the middle layer learn the keyhole method, it's on youtube, i dont have a link for it though. maybe i aint answering all ur questions but this is all i got. good luck

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