
Rude 2 1/2 year old Daughter?

by Guest32838  |  earlier

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My 2 1/2 year old daughter says no out in public to people she knows and people she doesn't know. They can just look at her and she say's "no". I figured it was just a stage that she was going through but, this has been going on for awhile. Has anyone had this similar problem?




  1. you set the boundaries, she will try to cross them - it's up to you whether you let her keep crossing them.  If she's old enough to know what she says gets a reaction, then she's old enough to be told it's not appropriate.  Good habits and politeness are things she'll learn along the way - don't wait until you think she's ready later because some book says so or she'll already have crossed so many lines you'll have a little brat on your hands.  she's not bad, she's just a child - give her boundaries and gently enforce them as often as her crossing them comes up.

  2. She should grow out of it--that's why it's called "terrible two's"!    Do be sure to tell her in a stern voice that it is not nice to do that.  Try to get her to replace "no" with "hi" instead.

  3. always better saying "No" to strangers than "Yes".

  4. just a phase but it won't go away without help. If she is rude them she gets time out. No matter where you are there is always a corner to put her in. Explain it is rude and what will happen in future

  5. she isnt rude ..she doesnt want people in her space (since birth she has probably been fussed over by people who love babies) Now she has the verbal skills to say " I dont like this!" ..NO! ......good for her!

  6. My daughter did that so I tried teaching her No Thank You. She could yell the meanest, rudest "No Thank You" with an ugly look on her face...but never sounded quite as bad as when she would yell "No". I also tried to limit my saying no to her. I would say "Uh uh" and shake my head no and other stuff. I reserved my yelling no for only dangerous stuff like running in the street etc.

  7. just a faze i think, she is 2 so i doubt she is offending people or anything so i wouldnt worry much....

  8. its an easy word and its not that she's being rude but nows the point where you have to watch what you say in front of her but i think its a stage that she will grow out of when she expands her vocab

  9. Is it the word she mostly hears at home?

  10. Welcome to the terrible 2s, which progress into the horrible 3s.  (in my experiences)  Only thing you can do is try to teach her a nicer way to express herself.  Rest assured, most people will not think she's rude, they'll think it's funny that a little one is so assertive already.

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