
Rude Roommates …?

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I live in a apartment with two other girls & we live in a three bedroom apartment near school. The only reasons I have remained there is that I like the apartment, the rent is affordable, locations is perfect, new building, great parking, helpful office staff & my roommates pay there bills on time. Now, my problem is . . . “my roommates” . . . One roommate is an extreme clean freak. She is rude, anal, bossy, mean & she has a personality disorder (OCD). My other roommate is a party girl. I wonder sometimes when she studies. One night she was so drunk she was trying to cook a raw turkey in the microwave. It was not just a turkey leg, it was the hole entire turkey. This turkey was crammed in to the microwave. She brings crowds of people over at all hours’ of the night & gets mad at us for making noise in the morning, because she is tiered. (& just so you know, "my roommates fight all of the time") It could be worse right? Or could it be better? Should i just move? or endure?




  1. It happens alot but that sounds pretty bad. I would squirt their pillows with a product called Liquid Asss....that would really be a sweet revenge.

  2. Your roommates are pretty bad.  I think about the only worst things that could happen now is that they do drugs, threaten your life, hurt you, and steal your stuff (we aren't just talking about food here).  Yeah, it may be time to move, or at least tell the landlord about the one roommate throwing parties all the time.

  3. It could be a lot worse.  But it could also be better.  I would stay there until and unless you are able to find some friends you know you'd get along with who would be interested in sharing an apartment with you.

  4. Sounds like its time for a room mate house meeting. If your OCD roomie is annoyed with the party girl's guests as well, sit her down and make up a list of house rules including hours that are appropriate for guests and how much notice you each need to give. You all may have your own rooms but obviously that doesn't mean that you all don't effect each other with the way you live your day to day lives. As per the OCD roomie, I can kind of see where she's coming from because I'm a very neat person too; but I would sit down and ask her if making a cleaning schedule would make life easier for all of you. Make sure you remind each other and stick to it.

  5. Before you move have a talk with them and ask them to respect you and each other more because you all like living there and it is working out besides these things.If things don't change after that I guess you should move somewhere where you can focus more and not be bothered by these kind of things.

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