I live in a apartment with two other girls & we live in a three bedroom apartment near school. The only reasons I have remained there is that I like the apartment, the rent is affordable, locations is perfect, new building, great parking, helpful office staff & my roommates pay there bills on time. Now, my problem is . . . “my roommates†. . . One roommate is an extreme clean freak. She is rude, anal, bossy, mean & she has a personality disorder (OCD). My other roommate is a party girl. I wonder sometimes when she studies. One night she was so drunk she was trying to cook a raw turkey in the microwave. It was not just a turkey leg, it was the hole entire turkey. This turkey was crammed in to the microwave. She brings crowds of people over at all hours’ of the night & gets mad at us for making noise in the morning, because she is tiered. (& just so you know, "my roommates fight all of the time") It could be worse right? Or could it be better? Should i just move? or endure?