
Rude games at ATM's - The receipt lout.

by Guest58092  |  earlier

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What is it with a large minority of rude people who ask for a receipt when withdrawing cash from an ATM then leave the receipt hanging out of the machine for the next customer to deal with it? What is it with the same people who look at you with disdain when you remind them they have not taken the receipt they asked for? Is their quality of life so poor that they have to resort to rude little games to get their kicks? Do you ever feel like taking the receipt and shoving it into their mouth and make them eat it? I do, but I suppose it is their inalienable human right to be as rude to others as much as they please with the full protection of the law if one recipient should choose to be rude in return. What say you?




  1. I remember one time I left my recepit and it was a complete accident and someone kindly gave it to me.

    I never encounter people you're griping about and if I do I just throw it out or hand it to them.

  2. There is generally a bin for receipts next to the ATM so I would put it in there, as is the accepted social response.

  3. I think a large number of the respondents here must be on tranquilizers!

    You are absolutely right. It is nauseatingly infuriating. These are also, doubtless, the same sort of people who can't park without taking up 2 parking bays, stop the moment they step off an escalator, walk in front of you slowly enough to be annoying but too fast to comfortably overtake, leave their trolley in the middle of the supermarket aisle whilst gazing, slack-jawed, at the Pop-Tarts for 10 minutes, are oblivious to their screaming brats piddling in the shopping centre fountain whilst they stare, slack jawed, at a Pop-Tarts poster in the supermarket window, stand around in groups at choke-points in shopping centres and high streets, chatting and guffawing in affected tones about their pointless lives, walk 3 or more abreast across the pavement expecting you to move out of their way but express outrage and disdain if you don't, shout into their mobile phones so that you have to learn all manner of facets of their empty, ridiculous existence - whether you want to or not - fail to work out the basic modus operandi of what is generally known as the queuing system and when rebuked claim they "didn't realise you were waiting" and never, as a matter of absolute principal, even acknowledge your existence, much less thank you, if you hold a door open for them.

    I would like to cut their heads off and play in their blood.

  4. I think it's hilarious you allow a small slip of paper to make you so angry. Next time, instead of going ballistic, look at their balance. If it's smaller than yours, consider yourself fortunate. If it's more than yours, get motivated to work harder.

    BTW, what exactly is a "large minority"?

  5. I think you need to calm down a little or you will be on your way to a heart attack sweetie.

    Life is too short to worry about such trifling matters

  6. What's rude about forgetting to pick up a receipt and why would something so small make you feel violent.  I think you need anger management.

  7. Lets start a revolution!

    But yeah if they ask for the receipt why not wait for it? Would they want the person behind them to know how much they are worth?

  8. People don't like to look stupid, i once walked out of a shop after paying and leaving the the bag of clothes there, luckilly they reminded me before I got too far!

    Bein rude is easier to some than being polite i guess

  9. i say that if this is the only problem you have in life then you are either very lucky or very sad!

  10. A lot of times ATM's will spit out the receipt automatically -- the people have already walked out.  So don't be so quick to blame them.

    But really, is this all you have to worry about or are you angry about something else that you can't face?

    I'd suggest some counseling and/or some medication to calm you down a bit.  Are you ok?

  11. I say you should consider therapy or medication for your anger.

  12. I say you need a hobby and anger management.

  13. Lighten up!  There are lots worse things in this world to worry over.  If there's a little piece of paper sticking out of the ATM, pull it out and throw it into the waste receptacle that is near the machine.  No biggie.

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