
Rude teacher, what should I do?

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I send my sons to a small Pre-K school. There are 2 principal figures above the teachers. One of them is very busy and always moving so I understand her urgency in everything. However, the second is constantly standing around. When I went to pick up my children on the first day I gave her the names, she looked at me for a full minute as if I were speaking another language before turning to get my children. On the another day She just rolled her eyes at me and sighed. Today while trying to make arrangements for picking the kids up on the opposite side like some parents do (and honestly so that I can avoid seeing her and don't lose my cool with her), she raised her eyebrows at me, never spoke a word, and then walked away when the other Principal walked over leaving me to AGAIN explain what I'd like. What should I do. I'm a very patient person, but that's beginning to wear thin. I don't want to cause a confrontation that might affect my children attending next year since she and the other principal are the ones who make the acceptions in. But I have never met her before open house. I really don't know what her problem is.




  1. If this is a great school keep the kids in and tell the other principal. Possibly ask the teachers what her problem is they work with her.

    If the school is not that great consider moving the kids.

    All else fails confront the lady and then file a complaint with the state.

  2. I agree with what another member wrote-

    You should confront her and simply ask if there is a problem. If she tries to play stupid, explain to her how her actions are making you feel. If she is being rude, then I would tell her that you will be speaking to a higher authority and then follow through with that threat.

    Someone that works in the customer service industry MUST HAVE manners! If she can’t be polite, even when she doesn’t like someone, then she needs another job.

    You have enough stress and worries in your day without dealing with some immature pettiness.

  3. I would confront her. Ask her what her problem is in a nice way. If you don't get the answer or the results don't get better I would go to the other principal. If nothing happens then I would go to the director. All the while looking for somewhere else for my kids to go.

  4. If you know some of the other parents at the school talk to them and see if shes acting/treating them the same way. And if she is you might want to then speak with the other principal about it or the School Board if you need to. My daughter's school had a few Paras" teacher's aid" who acted the same way and it did get frustrating because it seemed it only happened when I asked about my daughter in class. They where warned about their behavior, then given  some written warning and if it was done a thrid time I belive they where asked to leave the property for a period of time. It only happened thankfully that  first few weeks of school but even that seemed like to much.

    Good luck to you and your kids in school this yr.

  5. Just politly ask her...

    Tell her she is making it very uncomfortable for you to be there, and unsure whether or not to talk to her since her signals are very harsh. Ask her if you did something wrong? Tell her her rudness isnt acceptable in your books and if you have to , you will be going to her superior with a formal complaint. People who work in any public building whether it be in a grocery store, bank, wherever, need to have "customer service", and it is no different, maybe more important at schools, daycare, pre-schools. These people are caring for your kids, so if she is rude like that to parents, how is she acting towards the children while you are away?  

    Tell her if she dosnt like her job, maybe she should find a new one.

    Talk with some of the other parents and see if she is acting the same way with them,

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