my sister is 14 and I'm 17 i don't know if its because of our age differences why are personalities are clashing but there is not a day that goes by when she is not being rude.. she insults me, calls me ugly (even when people say I'm pretty right in front of her or get compliments) she makes up stories about my life for example she would say "no guy has ever liked you or will ever like you" and that is FAA ARR from true because i have dated ALOT of guys and had plenty of guys that liked me... she is the one who has never had a guy like her.. but yet she always wants to put me at her level... I try to ignore her but she doesnt stop.. Most of my friends are working this summer and are going to uni (im taking a year off) and she constantly says how "i have no friends" and that I dropped out of school.. and all that, when in fact i do and have not dropped out of school... like I'm sick of hearing her made up lies its like she lives off making assumptions about my life... and the thing about it is i cant even bring friends over cause she is SOOO embarrassing.. what should i do?? why does she act this way towards me?? she even acts that way towards my mother... she tried to choke my mom, threated to kill me... has she lost her mind?? and my mom continues to spoil her and give her attention as if none of this happened... when shes on the phone with her friends she talks about me saying "ugh my sister is so annoying shes 17 and doesnt act her age blah blah.. "