
Rudy Giuliani's Supporters and his RNC speech: Your thoughts on his speech? ?

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I was a big Rudy supporter for the republican nominee.

But after I heard his speech. He came off as slimy and very mean.

Reminds me of that old guy who sits at the back of the bus, telling dirty mean jokes to school kids.

I was not impressed by Rudy or McCain's speech. Palin had a nice speech, but I still have doubts about McCain/Palin ticket.

The best speech of the RNC: Surprisingly, Mike Huckabee.




  1. I agree, I used to have a great deal of respect for Rudy but his speech was terrible.  He came across as cocky and  hypocritical in my eyes.  I was very disappointed in his speech, he was trying more to make wise cracks then make well thought out points.  Maybe we shouldn't be surprised it is becoming more and more obvious that this ticket has no class or integrity and with the way Rudy spoke I guess we shouldn't be surprised.  What really got me is when Rudy said that as far as he was concerned as soon as Sarah Palin was mayor for a day she had more experience then Biden and Obama combined, if Rudy actually believes this ridiculous statement then he is most likely the biggest idiot alive.  People actually applauded that statement which I could not believe, it was people simply following along with no free thought to question that statement.  Rudy lost all of my respect because he just came across as a disrespectful school yard jerk instead of a politician.

  2. i thought he was drunk.  i agree, he came of as being a bully.  he reminded me of that kind in school who would make fun of people in front of everyone and then laught like he is soemthing special.

  3. Yes, senility seems to be setting in and his true nature coming out.

  4. I'm not a Rudy supporter but, the fact that he tried to make Obama sound like a terrorist is pretty radical.  It's a shame he went from being bipartisan as Mayor of New York to a partisan hack now.  Shame shame shame.

  5. You are masquerading as a former Rudy supporter.  That is a lie.  I think he came off great.  Tom Brokaw said that every convention has its "red meat" speech and Rudy came through for the Republicans.

  6. I agree with you that Huckabee was terrific.

    He's the true face of the real GOP.

    Like Sarah Palin.

    And McCain is the perfect person to bring that reformist spirit into Washington and break up the status quo because he know how the system works.

    You may well be a Democrat who didn't like what Rudy said.

    The GOP didn't like being bashed for 4 days by the people in Denver.

    It's all in the perspective.

    As a Republican, I loved Rudy.

    After a couple of days of nice people like Laura Bush not even mentioning Obama or taking aim at the Dmocrats, I was more than ready for somebody, anybody, to tell me what in the h**l I was fighting for.

    And I am fighting for the security of my country and a better life for my children and grandchildren.

    Every one of those speeches was a call to arms.

    They weren't nasty.  They didn't lie.

    I think McCain will be a great President for Democrats, Republicans and those who don't identify with either party.

    Obama would be a president for those who hate George Bush, Republicans, and anyone who succeeds in America.

    Sarah Palin will represent hard-working ordinary American who have common sense.

    She will be a breath of fresh air among the lobbyists and special interests.

    She reminds me on Bobby Kennedy who asked, "Why not??" and never let bureaucracy and Fat Cats stand in the way.

    She's like Mike Huckabee - and YOU. And ME.

    McCain is going to trust US for a CHANGE.

    Who cares if McCain can't read a speech from a telepromter.

    I'm sick to death of talk, talk, talk.

    I want ACTION.

    McCain/Palin will DO it.

  7. how many bucks did giulio get for this speech?

    911 with 2 or 3 zeros I guess...

  8. slimy and very mean??

    the democrats and media attack palins daughter on a daily basis.....and you think guiliani gave a slimy mean speech????

    i thought it was an excellent speech....

    the dems cant take it..but they sure can dish it out...

  9. Mike Huckabee made a great speech, and so did Fred Thompson; I do think that Giuliani over-did it a little, but he's a close friend of John's.

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