
Rugby, tackles?

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Been playing rugby for four years now, last seaon got player of the year, everyone knew me for always tackling even though for a forward im smaller than most. Now this season im playing ****. Dont make any decent tackles or ball carries but i feell ike im playin the same as before. Dont know whats up with me basically and has anyone got any advice?




  1. This happens even to the best players, you think you are putting in the same but it looks like s**+te! It can be really small things so don't despair.

    My advice for what it's worth is to ask some of your team mates to be brutally honest with your performance. What is it that you are seeming to do wrong, wether it be your technique in the tackle, body position when passing/receiving the ball, fitness level will have an impact too obviously. It often can be as much phycological too, do you have any problems in your private life, these can easily affect your on the field performance even though you may not think so. Also get some input from the coaching staff, supporters. The more you can find out the better.

    Once you have those things you know you can try and focus on putting it right. You have taken a corageous decision to air your problem so you obviously have the right attitude.

    Make some big rib ticklers for me.

    All the best


  2. If you are playing in the same team and for the same coach, then you would have to reckon that the coach saw something in you that the team needs. Especially if you got player of the year!

    As a coach in several arenas, let me give you some advice. Your coach is always the best person to talk too about game issues. They have to be unbiased and able to look at the big plan. Your individual performance is just as important to him as it is to you.

    Individual goals and objectives are essential in a team. Take time to define YOUR personal goals for the year, and then talk to your coach about them. Put them on paper and hand them to him at the end of the training/game. Ask for feedback and ways you can improve your enjoyment of the game. If you aren't enjoying the game, then everyone loses out. Go strong!

  3. i'll bet it is mental.  try some image training.  think back to your best tackles last year, and remember the mindset you had when you made those plays.  try to think about how you can get in that mental condition again.

    since you've been playing 4 yrs and improved to the point of getting player of the year, i am guessing that it is less about technique and more about your head.

    another thing to consider is that the team has changed, and so has your role within the team.  maybe you're not gelled with your teammates.  or maybe the team's state calls for you to contribute in different ways (more in the rucks and mauls, and less in open field)  sometimes that is ok, especially if it is for the good of the team.

    - a should've retired a while ago still-playin #8
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