
Rugby Help!!?

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im in high school and i play club during the summer , my position is second row and i was wodering if you guys had any traing tips 4 me cause im going to try out for provincials i already know the basics eg weight trainging and running i just wondered if there were any techniques special to locks

help would be great!!!




  1. Since you have a position that needs to run around a bit, make tackles, go into rucks and mauls, do the line out jumps, and catching and tapping the ball from the line out. You could work on these areas to improve your game.  You may also want to practice picking the ball up from the ground on the run.

    Line Out Jumping Practice:

    Get yourself some chalk, and find a wall that you can draw on.  For instance, the wall of a grandstand at your local ground, school, etc.

    Use the chalk to draw a line on the wall that is higher than you.  You may need a tool like a chair, ladder, or even another person, to make this possible.

    You would want to draw a small circle.

    Practice your jumping by trying to get your hand inside the circle.

    You will want to do this with your left hand, your right hand, and both hands together.

    Catching And Tapping Ball From Line Out Practice:

    You will need a football for this exercise.

    You will also need a friend to throw the ball for you.

    Get on your knees, and have your friend throw the ball just over your head.

    Simulate it as if it were a normal throw, if you were on your feet.

    This will help you balance with your upper body.


    I am not sure how the lifting works, as in how you need to balance yourself when you are lifted in the line.  You may need to find out about how you balance, as you do not want this exercise to change the way you balance, and when you get lifted, you can no longer balance correctly.

    Going Into Rucks And Mauls Practice:

    The purpose is to get you in the practice of balancing whilst running with your body lowered focused on going into the ruck or maul.

    You need to keep your back straight, while bending your knees to get lower.

    Bend your knees, and position your back as if you were going to enter a ruck and maul.

    Run around in this position.

    Advanced Going Into Rucks And Mauls Practice:

    You may also want to break out of the bent running, and practice:

    - having to chase a player who got the ball from the ruck and maul you are about to enter.

    - having to receive the ball yourself, in case the 'half-back'passes it to you, either accidently, or on purpose for you to hit it up.

    - having to chase the ball down field, as the 'half-back' has kicked forward before you got to the ruck or maul.

    A friend may be helpful in passing you the ball, kicking the ball, running with the ball, etc.


    When I say 'half-back', it could be a player filling in this position when the normal half-back is not available.

    Tackle Practice:

    You will need a friend for this exercise.

    Best off done after 'Going Into Rucks And Mauls Practice'.

    Have your friend walk, jog, or run at you and you need to tackle them.

    Use the running technique from 'Going Into Rucks And Mauls Practice' as your friend gets close enough.

    You should be low enough in your body to make an effective tackle.


    You should not try to injure each other, this is only practice.

    Running Practice:

    The way I found easiest to increase my speed and stamina was to use a football.


    Kick the football, and chase after it.

    You have to be committed to getting that ball, and not just half-heartedly run for it.


    Throw the ball over your head, you may want to jump while doing this.

    Turn around and chase that ball.

    This should similate a throw in that the opposition won, or nobody got.


    Practice being in a scrum.

    Waiting until the no 8 and breakaways leave, before you can break.

    Then run to a position you think the ball may have gone to.

    You will want to go to several different positions to get a good feel of how to leave for that position.

    Running And Picking Ball Up Practice:

    You will need a football for this exercise.

    You may need to pick the ball up off the ground whilst running.  This may be in a ruck and maul situation, or the runner with the ball has dropped it before you tackled them.

    Place the ball somewhere in front of you.  You will want to move the ball around a bit.

    Run towards the ball, in the method from 'Going Into Rucks And Mauls Practice', as if you are going to make a tackle, and pick the ball up.

  2. Not much special training for second row..  But all the same for all positions, CONDITIONING is best.  Run telephone poles, sprint one, jog the next, sprint, jog, etc.  Good Luck.

  3. G'day I don't understnd,

    Thank you for your question.

    The answer above has some great ideas. Rugby training is generally done with the rest of the team.

    However, there is also some training drills that you can do by yourself.

    This site has some good drills for speed, strength and endurance as well as ball skills.

    Scrum has some fitness training tips

    Better rugby coaching is an e-mail with weekly coaching tips.

    Fitness for rugby has more suggestions for fitness.

    Good luck in your try out for the provincials.


  4. Do as the others have suggested and also get yourself a law book and know that thing frontwards and backwards.  You can play a lot harder when you are confident what you are doing is right.
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