
Rugby League??

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Whats the differance between legue and Union?? and can i just have some general info on it?

Thanks xxxx





  2. In league the players have main posession of the ball but in union the ball spends most of its time in the crowd.

  3. ones national, the others within the uk.

  4. League only has 13 players a side compared to 15 in union, also there are no Lineouts in league.

    The main difference between the codes is that in league each side is limited to 6 sets of play in trying to score before handing the ball over to the opposing team.

    League was a breakaway from union at the turn of the century, so that their players could be paid for playing, while was until recently an amateur game.

  5. leauge is far superior than union..leauge is full on hard hitting as union is for whimps lol all this kick an chase whats it all about

  6. Yes league is the fast contact sport in the world. Players get hammered and get up and play the ball to a colleague and the game goes on. There are 13 players in a league team and four substitutes and there can be 12 interchanges. In union there are are 15 people in a team and 7 substitutes so you can change the entire team.

    When a union played is tackled the forwards jump on him and form a ruck or a mall to try and get the ball and the game is painfully slow. There is a lot of injuries in union but relativel;y few in league.

    In both game you have to touch the ball down over the try line for a try. In league you get 4 points and union 5 points. If you kich the ball then over the cross bar and between the posts in either game you get two points. If you kick a penalty goal in league you get 2 points and in union 3 points. Adrop goal in league is 1 point and in union 3 points.

    Union is a game for forwards fighting over the ball at rucks and mauls and boring to watch with backs kicking it a lot of the time. League is a fast open game with backs and forwards having handling and running skills of similar proportion and provides 80 minutes of none stop action.

    I hope that helps.

  7. Rugby Union is a kick and chase game. Rugby League rules!

  8. Rugby League is played by teams of 13 a side. Union is played by teams of 15 a side. Scrums in Union are contested, meaning each side tries to push the other off the ball. In League scrums are un-contested. When the ball goes out of play on the touch/side lines in Union, the game is restarted with a line out. In League it is restarted with a foot tap and pass. In Union, once play has commenced, the game is continuos until a try is scored or an offence is committed. In League, a set of six plays is commenced with the player in possesion heeling the ball between his legs. Each play is ended by a player being tackled and held. If, by the end of six plays, a try has not been scored, the ball is passed over to the opposing team, who in turn commence a set of six plays.

    Hope this helps you in begining to understand both games.
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