
Rugby Next year!?! what can i expect?

by  |  earlier

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ive never done it.

have no clue anything about it,expect its similar to football.






  1. I played for a club for seven years and it's great, just expect to get dirty and ache EVERYWHERE!!. Just play different positions until you find one you like.

  2. Enjoy, if you like to rough it youll love it.

    Its fast its hard and its wild ; )

  3. you hold da ball in rugby and it is oval shaped lol

  4. It's nothing like any other code of football.

    Just be prepared to finish every game covered in mud, blood, sweat and tears and for every muscle in your body to be aching.

    If you do that, then you've played well.

  5. umm u need to be fit, and have good hand eye coronation, u need to pick a position you would like to play and watch some games so u know wat to expect, oh and you will get hit hard expect that

    hope i helped

  6. one thing about rugby is you gotta be strong, fast runner and confident. but hey.. play it for fun. you will be fine. don't be afraid to get down dirty. lol

  7. Apart from the physical side, it's not really that similar to football. You should decided what position you should play - ie. are you big and strong, or small and fast?

    Try these videos, they explain all the basics:

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