
Rugby Pre-game?

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Does anyone know of any other pregame rituals that rugby teams do. I know the The All Blacks Haka and Whatever Tonga does and i know there are more teams that do that sort of thing but i dont know who does and i want to see what they're like and if they can live up to the Haka.

Which do people like more, the old or new Haka?

(And by the way, in my other question for those of you who've read it, i do know that New Zealand is it's own country and they are not affiliated to Australia in any way -- i was just trying to give people who dont know it some type of perspective about where to locate it.)




  1. Before a game we do very little indeed, a warm up usually consists of turning the car heating up on the way to the game.

    We do however a half time ritual consisting of a bottle of Port. The other week we had some very nice Welsh blue cheese too.

  2. Fiji do the Cibi (pronounced Thimbi) before a game Samoa and Tonga do their own versions a well. I remember during the World cup in 2003 New Zealand and Tonga played each other and did their hakas at the same time, it was awesome.

  3. As a very proud New Zealander I love our Haka, Well both of them we have 2 now. the original called Ka Mate and the new 1 called Kapa O Pango or something like that.

    People have tried to get the new 1 banned as the guys do a throat slitting action during it which people don't like.

    How much BS is that?

    When NZ play Aussie I know the silly Aussie try and make a comeback with Waltzing Matilda, there national silly song and I know the English like to do Swing low Sweet Chariot, (if thats it's actual name)?

    Fiji also have a haka like NZ and Tonga, When New Zealand play Fiji it's great because both teams do their hakas at the same team which is awesome.

    I also know a lot of school teams over here do their school haka before playing.

    Hope that was a little insight into rugby traditions.
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