
Rugby Six nations points?

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I'm new to rugby (and actually sport in general) so please excuse my ignorance - I can't understand the points difference thing. Its probably really simple but why does France have to win by '20' points next week against Wales? I thought it was the difference between tournament pd (i.e. Wales 65 - France 27) which equals 38?






  1. wales has won all four games and france has lost to england so for them to win the 6 nations they need to get 20 points agaisnt wales

  2. The winners of each match receive two points regardless of the margin of victory or number of tries scored. There is one point awarded for a draw and none for a loss. The team with the most points at the end of their five matches wins the whole tournament.

    If two teams finish the tourney with the same number of points then the decision is made by "game points" difference..

    in this instance if France beats Wales then the tourney points would be equal so, gpd would be considered and at the moment wales has a better gpd by 19 ( i'm guessing),, meaning france must beat wales by 20 to nick it..

  3. If France beat Wales they will both have the same number of points gained.  It will the be decided by the points scored and points against in every game. At the moment Wales have a plus difference of +65, France has +27.  So if France beat Wales by 20 points they will have +47 and Wales would have +45.  But saying that it will not go to that because I can't see Wales loosing.

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