
Rugby Tour,. Any prank Ideas?

by  |  earlier

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Hello there experienced tourers

I am going on a rugby tour to Italy next week and for some reasons people have been asking me for prank ideas. I don't really know why (I think i might just look as if i know some) but well if you can offer any ideas that would be great.

We have already planned to shave off a "pretty boy's" eyebrow.

If you can try to make the pranks no worse for the person being pranked than this.

thanks a lot




  1. bring a tube of deepheat for sure lol and if u can manage 2 trick someone into rubbing it on their balls watch the fun begin...soooo painful haha

  2. Take Toothpaste and put it on peoples faces because it has florid which will iritate the skin .

    itching powder in sleeping bags

    marsbar down the shorts during the night to make it look like he has had a s**t.

    putting warm water on the fingers and hands mite make them pi*s themsleves. ( havent tryed it heard about it.)

    taking the person out of the room wilst they are asleep so when they wake up they are bloody confused.

    Antipersprant on the nipples (deorderant)

    and take a shaver.


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