
Rugby Union supporters?

by  |  earlier

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Why do you hate Rugby League so much? I watch League through preference and location. But why do you have such a problem with a person who wears a Rugby League top and insult that person to the point where they feel so terrible for simply stepping out their house?

I have been insulted and phisically atacked by a Union supporter for simply liking my code! I've never had a go at a Union supporter before, my phliosphy on life: Live and let live. Why do you hate us so much? and why do you always shout at us "Watch our code instead!" and try and force your opinions on us?




  1. I'm a lover of union and have never quite understood the appeal of league. That said i think you should be allowed to enjoy your sport without the attention of mindless idiots.  would much prefer to buy you a pint and agree to disagree.

  2. because they are morons not rugby supporters

  3. I'm from Leeds and I go to watch both the tykes and rhinos. I really don't understand why fans of each code claim to dislike the other, at the end of the day its all rugby.

    As for the guy who attacked you it wasn't because he is a union supporter it was because hes a t**t.

  4. Because they are nothing but mindless thugs!

  5. just some stupid ignorant small minded gits.  If it wasn't League, it would be something else.  Inferiorty.

    Good luck and stay proud!  Don't think so much about them. Rob

  6. Erm, I had no idea there were two different kinds, but I thank you for teaching me something, even if it's something pointless. You never know, it might pop up on who wants to be a millionaire.

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