
Rugby. What is the best drill to encourage boys (under 15's) to ruck effectively.?

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Rugby. What is the best drill to encourage boys (under 15's) to ruck effectively.?




  1. When i used to play rugby for the under 15's there were two methods used. One, we were told to use our imagination and pretent some s**y hot woman was on the floor and she needed protecting, and the second was punishment for not doing it correctly. The 'tunnel of love' was very effective. Two lines of 10 boys stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder. The player who cannot ruck correctly had to run as fast as he could into the 'tunnel of love' It worked wonders, we all soon learned how ruck!  try it, it may work.

  2. you could use the crash ball method but your forwards have to be fit. its when there is a ruck and the forwads carsh into the opposition to gaia\n ground and just tell them they have to protect the ball and no hands

  3. not sure if the same rucking laws apply to undder 15's as to adult game.

    the most important thing is always awarenss and body position.

    clean up stray people, hands and any other obstructions.  never go in blind.  if you stay low then the chances are you're not going to be knocked back . quick feet up tight binding.

    we used to play under some ropes so we had to stay in a crouch.  make sure the scrum half is directing people.

    static sprinting in press up postion for increasing power .

    then just hope they don't lose their heads and do something silly

  4. get an even number of players on each team, get one team in a line (like backs) and shout set when the team with the ball are passing it. The person with the ball should drop and present the ball, and both teams should ruck over the ball. Stop the drill if you think somebody has done something wrong. Alternatively, you could get a player to tackle as well, because this also improves tackling, and is more realistic.

  5. A technique maybe not the best but it works - Set up two pods each with: a ball carrier; ball sealer; left guard; right guard.

    These positions should be interchangeable within the pod.

    Set up opposition to man mark the offence (those with the ball) on the whistle the scrum half from a tap penalty passes the ball to the first pod which tries to make as much ground without loosing the ball the carrier goes to ground when tackled the sealer seals the ball the guards protect the sides.

    The ball should then be recycled to the scrum half  who passes it to the second pod.

    They do the same as the first pod. They should be able to advance down the field. The opposition should try to get the ball without being offside. This will build technique both in attack and defence.

    However sealing the ball is hard to do correctly the sealer must keep his knee off the ground and the unit must keep up with the carrier and be interchangeable.

    Backs and forwards should be intermingled in the pods to teach them the technique.

  6. Get all the boys in lines of 4 laying down on their chests with a ball next to them numbered 1 to 4. Opposite stand the defenders holding pads. The coach calls out 1,2,3 or 4 to call one of the attackers, and he runs at the pad opposite him with the ball, while all of the other attackers run towards the man with the ball. The first man to the ruck area decides whether or not to seal the ball by standing over it, or rucking the man out of the way. With this exercise there needs a lot of calling from the supporting men, to say who is going to seal, and who is rucking. If they start to get good at it, add in 2 defenders behind the pad men. They will go to the number called out, and then it will be a case of rucking out the men, whilst trying to seal the ball and not lose it. This will teach them to not only ruck effectively, but to seal and secure the ball, which is very effective in later years, at higher rugby levels. I learnt this from my county training, and our rucking has improved immensely.

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