
Rugby What should i play?

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i am in grade 9 and just finished playing a year of high school rugby. ive been playing winger this year however alot of my teammates think i would be fantastic at flanker or eight man. i am 5"9 150 pounds. i am very built and can run pretty fast. i have above average hands and can break and make almost every tackle. i did pretty good this year and i got 3 tries.

my question is am i built and skilled right for forward or eight man or should i stick too winger.

btw if so u choose forward any things i can do over the summer to work?




  1. if you can tackle well, by all means switch, if youre hands are good you should play number 8... as for thing to work on, get youre fitness up, you run alot more as a foreward

  2. i think that the choice is really up to you.. but i do reccommend that you consider either inside or outside centre because a good centre can run fast and get through defence and on the other hand is expected to make try saving tackles.. good luck

  3. I think you should play senter. . . .

  4. Half long as you can pass and kick, if you can't then stay on the wing as you are too small for a flanker and No 8, in high school you may be an ok size, but once you leave school and play university or club your lack of mass with come back to haunt you so either hit the gym at get up to around 95kgs ( about 210pounds I think that is?) or stay on the wing mate.

  5. forwards are where the real work is done do you want to spend your time on the wing waitng for the ball to come to you or do you want to get into the rucks and take the ball yourself?

  6. If I were you I would try flanker.  Size is as not as important as it is for a number 8, as long as you can hit hard and tackle sure.  Flankers have a lot of chances to get out quick and really mix it up on offense and defense.  You should have some ball handling skills from playing in the back line which will be useful as you get out of the set piece quickly and fill in your back line for the overlap.  I have played every position in the forwards and as a winger at the beginning of my career.  I thought flanker was the most fun.

  7. Eight man because that is the sexiest for me!!!! And they are strong and yo name it!!!!


    flankers are the fastest and most skillful out of all the forwards. They need to have good hands (like you) and be strong and big (but not to big). They are the one member of the team that needs to be a right scrapper and also near the ball. They get the most action off the ball (rucks etc.) and are the forwards who get the most of the ball, often going on breaks through the line.

    I would say that you are the perfect weight and and height for the role. Flankers used to be big and slow but now they are getting quicker, slimmer and more skillful!

    By the way, it is called "number 8" not "eighth man" (im british, trust me) and you would have to be bigger to go there.

    However, if you choose to be a back then you should be outside centre  as at your level wingers dont get the ball much.

    P.S. can all you Americans called the positions by their right names, we don't call your wide receivers "receivers out wide" etc.

    Good luck

  9. What happens if in 5 years you're 5' 9" and 250? Good prop material. You've played a year, barely know the sport, much less the nuances, and are getting advice from teenagers.

    Why don't you let your coach decide what's best for you and the team and learn the sport as best you can. You'll grow physically and mentally and develop into a position suited to your strengths.

    You're on the internet, research the sport and you'll find plenty of drills and suggestions to improve. Probably on American websites, sadly.

  10. Hey

    i am 6 ft 1 and 226 pounds. my position is flanker but i believe that i am too heavy for the flanker position. some one with your height and weight and speeds would be perfect for flanker. i don't believe ur the right size for 8th man though. I think the the only position fit for you in the forward pack would be flanker, the other positions need big people like me for instance. other wise if u are happy with being in the back line then you should stay but it is up too you.

  11. I think u would have to gain a few founds to be in the pack, but you are still young and that is a good weight for your age. Flanker and Number 8 are the best positions in the field ,you get to run and you get to be in the middle of everything as well, and of course tackle, tackle and tackle, but since you are 150 you should probably try the outside center since u are pretty fast and strong, that is one of the most exiting positions in the field. you still have to tackle a lot. I say you try a bunch of different positions mate, and stick with the one you play in best. Or you could bulk up and be a killer flanker... good luck and enjoy the game, they say it's the only game they play in heaven...cheers. If u want to bulk up eat a lot and do squats and dead lifts, and if you feel ip to it do power cleans as well. Check out this web site they have a lot of info on rugby fitness, stuff that the pros use.

  12. Flanker is definitely the most rounded position on the field and can be the most exciting.  I agree with the others though, for now you should try inside or outside centre.  Unfortunately with high school rugby the wingers don't get a lot of action, the ball is usually dropped before it gets to them. But if you try a back position closer to the fly, you might find yourself getting more opportunities.

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