
(Rugby) Why you English, beleive you go to win in Paris against France?

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Don't dream !!

Us, French will win because we are only the best !!




  1. Don't be to sure. Lets face it you couldn't beat Argentina

  2. Agincourt, Waterloo, abandoning British soldiers at Dunkirk while they were trying to rescue you from the Germans, Vichy traitors (of course now the french are best friends with the Germans) as usual they will team up with the people who will give them least hassle. I will not judge the whole of france, there were some very brave people in the resistance but there were far more who collaborated. The French are best??? If England lose they will lose honestly, If the French win it will be by subterfuge and dishonesty (this is the only way the french ever win anything!).

    Spectre - Check your history books, Agincourt was a great victory by the English over the French by Henry V against superior odds. Part of Henry's speech to his troops before the battle read:

    And gentlemen in England, now abed,

    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day.

  3. Second word Waterloo

    The best team will win on the day

    Eng-land Eng-land

  4. HAH - thanks, best laugh I have had in ages.

    Proof is in the pudding squire - lets just wait and see.

    If we do win, I hope that you will post a retraction.

  5. Lost to Argentina though didn't you.

  6. I guess it because of a 1000 years of winning against France.

  7. Now let's get serious.

    Apart from their last matches neither France nor England have played consistently good rugby in the current world cup.

    So its a bit of a toss-up!

    I think France will just win ~ but there won't be much in it!


  8. Yes France on their day are the best team in the world and have been for years but you never know what French team is going to turn up.However you have home advantage and that is significant so England will have to play out of their skins to win but it,s not impossible

  9. A better team, with an unbeatable pack.

  10. quote "one word - Agincourt"

    it's Azincourt  :-D (i live not so far from there !)

    it's very risky to say we are the best if we loose versus england or versus south africa or once again versus argentina (which deserves to reach the final and could reach them when you think about fidji vs S Africa) you guy would be dissapointed (as i would be) but also a liitle bit ridiculous

    i think there is not so much differences between all the teams and the best team in the right moment will win the cup : that certainly the trouble with Blacks there are undoubtly very good best team in the world if you want to (it's a real pleasure to se them playing there are great artists) but their lack of efficiency during world cup  and may be also their too much confidence in themselves always deserved them

  11. We shall not fail or falter;we shall not weaken or tire.Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the long drawn trials of vigilance or exertion will wear us down.

    Give us the tools and we shall finish the job.

                   Winston Churchill 1941

  12. Remember Austerlitz  !!


  13. Of COURSE the English believe England will win, just as you believe the French will win. All the fans of the 4 final teams in the semis all believe they are going to win - what kind of weird fan support would it be if you didn't have any belief in your team???

  14. Because they're overconfident about everything :p (I'm not English)

  15. Agincourt was won by welsh archers...the english there...were basically on work experience.

    Cmon France!!!!!!

  16. Goodness gracious.  Let us just wait and see.  Nothing is certain in this World Cup.  Darn it, I cannot help myself........It doesnt matter who wins between France and England, because the Boks will take home the cup regardless of who they play in the why am I so nervous...................

  17. Go eat a horses di*k Frenchie... That's all you are good for   ;-)

    Au revoir.

  18. Sshh, remember Argentina?

    Then again, I'm South African, so maybe I should keep my mouth shut until next Monday.

  19. well England just have won against France .....

    sorry 4 your keep dreaming

  20. Good for you Frenchy keep up faith, I understand your grand parents were in the resistance in fact I've never met anyone who's grand parents were not in the resistance, win or lose it's a game, when it matters we win, the french collaborate, let me see what do I know about the French, ah wee when we do not like the law we break it and our cowardly leaders change the law ah ah, but not to be bitchy good luck in the oncoming onslaught

  21. c**p !

  22. Sorry like Australia you will get annihilated by the English forwards and Wilkinson will put you out of your misery.

  23. Iam not English but I believe the England team will beat the h**l out of the French!

    England plays with flair and confidence whereas the french don't!

  24. England will win

    One answer  mentioned Agincourt, I presume this is some major battle France Won

    Since and including Waterloo france has not won a major battle/war

  25. WTF?

    Daft French bloke alert.

    See you in the final son, not.



  26. one word - Agincourt


    au revoir

  27. After last weekend, I think fans from all sides should keep quiet.........the northern hemisphere fans are beginning to sound as frigging arrogant as the AB's and Aussie fans were this time last week...........and where the h**l are they now????????????

  28. ask yourself this - who was it stopped France from doing the grand slam last year.

    oh yes - England...............................

  29. 'i' before 'e' except after 'c', unless in special


  30. I think that English people think that French team has played it's final yet, Ok think it and let us give you a 30 -0.

    ha ha ha ha ha .......... you just win with penalties just try to score a try

  31. hahah-wrong section froggie,should be in the mental section,or at least the joke least your shower wont have far to go home when you get  taught that class is permanent and the british,unlike the french,have a backbone.

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