
Rugby World Cup 2011?

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Having viewed the current 2007 World Cup from afar I believe New Zealand are not capable of meeting the success of the Cup in France. The crowds have been brilliant and the cost to New Zealand will be very high. We even had a city turn down the offer of a NEW National Stadium to be ready for 2011 from our Government. Instead they have stuck to the current stadium which has and lets be honest had its day.

I cannot see New Zealand being able to fill up lets say waikato Stadium with 25,000 for a Romania versus USA Game.

I believe the Rugby Union will expect the Government to bail them out should they make a heavy financial loss.

For a start the final should be held over the ditch in the West island of New Zealand sometimes called Australia. Lets put our country first before our pride.

I am a Kiwi and love my country but lets be honest and remember 15 April 1915. The date for those who want to know is ANZAC day.




  1. Settle down reggie and dbm, he is allowed to express his concerns over the potential difficulties NZ will face hosting such a large sporting event.  It does not make him a poor excuse of a kiwi or less loyal, get over yourselves.

    There are some issue including:

    - the amount and size of stadiums

    - public transport (especially in auckland)

    - ticket sales (i have doubts that some of minnow games will sell out)

    - infrastructure

    - money (NZRFU are not the richest union)

    - supplying the big 65,000 seat stadium

    This site is made for expressing opinions. Do not cut someone down for bringing up a worthy concern.




  3. Well, I don't agree with all you comments re- our inability to host the IRB World cup. We are shortly to be crowned the world champions and what's wrong with North Harbour? Remember the whole purpose of hosting the cup is to generate interest in the game and determine the best in the world. Its about time Tonga, Samoa, Fiji and the like were profiled on the world stage close to home. We are positioned to help our neighbour's better than anyone else.

    And by the way where better to thrash Aussie than in their own backyard. Eden Park is cool and look at the financial benefits to our region. Get John Banks back in and we will do a good job of it.

  4. Okay. New Zealand is not France, from a population and land mass, far from it. But, we are the biggest rugby nation in the world, atmosphere alone will be something to be seen and be part of. As for the stadium issue, I believe the new stadium should have gone ahead. Not only would it be a fantastic stadium for rugby but it would open NZ to so many other world class events, be it concerts, sporting or whatever. Alot of events won't even come to NZ because we don't have a stadium that seats enough to create enough revenue, and really, in fact I'm not surprised at the short-sightedness of the council. All they seem to look at is cost whilst in their term, and their decision that may effect the publics vote . . . not the long term benefits. The public and the people need to look at long term solutions and revenue and the possibility of staging world class events will generate. Existing stadiums will not seat the numbers, but if that's what we have to roll with then people will come and fill every seat for the atmosphere of NZ rugby and the people and scenery alone.  Contrary to the money that could have been made. At the end of the day, NZ does and will have the capacity to hold the next Rugby World Cup. And it will surpass any other.

    Yahoo!Xtra official rugby expert for Auckland. Ask me anything on Yahoo!Xtra answers.

  5. We have to put more money in to our current stadiums instead of injecting millions into a new one.Eden park is suffice to hold a final when it has finished its alterations.I think you be surprised at the quality of rugby as a spectable has improved over the past 12yrs. and id go see a Romania vrs USA even if im from Auckland.

    no time to panic....

  6. It's like Flemington rebuilding to accommodate the turn out for Melbourne Cup Day - sometimes these things are not viable, maybe in the "long"run it would be worthwhile but remember we are a small country and do not have the population to make this project viable.

    It is a shame not to see the stadium go ahead but lets be realistic, come on.  We complain about it not going ahead yet we're the first to complain as tax payers when rates increase.

    Rugby is our #1 sport and we have always been the worlds best or thereabouts.

    There will not be an issue on #'s attending the less popular games  I think most games would be of capacity crowds.

    NZ rates as one of the top 10 countries to visit in the world not only is the RWC a draw card but also NZ as a country is a huge attraction to our visiting countries. Tourism is the biggest industry in NZ (even bigger than dairy).  So 2011 is going to be a big year for NZ as a whole with or without a new stadium to seat 65,000.

    From the largest regions to the most remote settlements in NZ having the RWC on our soil is every kiwi's benefit.  I'm confident NZ will deliver.  Jock Hobbs & NZRU secured the hosting rights and they certainly won't be out to fail.  Bring on 2011.

  7. I think Japan should have won the World Cup 2011 to be honest, we all know that NZ are rugby supremes but for the good of the sport, the "newer" countries that are developing in terms or rugby would benefit from one of the biggest competitions in that sport arrive on their doorstep. NZ don't need this kind of exposure as it's already their national sport. I have nothing against New Zealand hosting but It doesnt seem the most accessable country in the world, at least Australia is a big enough country to host such games. the World Cup needs to go beyond its reach already if anybody wants the sport to grow beyond UK/Aus/NZ

  8. Yeah, I agree with you! move the world cup to Argentina. Here, we have plenty of stadiums.. Not.

  9. For the world cup to be held in NZ we have to have a stadium that will hold 80,000 /100,000, to cater for New Zealand supporters and visitors from overseas.The stadium has to cater for other sports athletics, football,hockey etc.and possibly for holding concerts for overseas and top New

    Zealand artists and not just for rugby.


  10. Anzac Day . 15th of April........It used to be 25th of April....who changed it ?

  11. Neil, please surrender your NZ passport now  you pathetic excuse for a Kiwi.

    Everybody knows with our limited stadia this is the last chance we'll ever get to solely host the RWC as it becomes a bigger and bigger event. The work done by Jock Hobbs and the NZRU was a fantastic achievement - and you want to give it away!

    If you can't be bothered to support the minnows that's your choice, but I'd go along to any game that was on in my town. Kiwis with real pride will make the event a success.

    Just what is your point re Anzac Day?

  12. I'd go to say Namibia vs Portugal and I know many others who would. Especially to support the minows at the RWC.

    I think good numbers will turn up for the cup

  13. Rugby saturation may end up the biggest problem of all. If it carries on increasing to a 12 month a year fiasco in the name of revenue for tv we may regret ever winning the hosting rights. It may not be first prize after all. France has a lot to offer to entice the fans. Inovative holiday packages and entertainment around RWC with rugby being a bonus may be the best draw card. We need an atmosphere like the lions tour and hope Auckland can have a party without the residents wanting lights out by ten.
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