
Rugby advices please !?

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I play rugby as scrum-half, and my coach has totally confidence on me, but today was definitely the worst rugby "moment" of my entire life..I played the worst game ever !

I still don't know what happened with me today: I failed passing the ball after the scrum was formed, I entered constantly in ruck (killing my forwards job), I failed a lot of normal passes, and most frustrating to me: I wasn't even able to tackle ! I'm the best scrum-half of my team, and I've made fantastic games in the past, but today's game was simply a nightmare.

And the point is, that in the past few months I gave everything that I had in each one of my team's trainings. I would actually say that this past months were my best rugby months, but that is now contradicted by this awful game..I know I let the entire team down, and my coach too.

Can you advice me how to make this never happen? Can you advice me how to prepare myself psychologically for the next game? (P.S: I'm 14 and I live in Portugal) thanks




  1. stress, and just a bad day

    also, just think over your job, whenever you have nothing to do, just think of what your job on the field is, put yourself in different situations and imagine what you would do.

    next match, come back fresh, and try to be pumped up, don't think about yourself having a bad game, think about yourself having a good game, cuz then thats what you'll have (even if you lose, at least you played well)

  2. When you hit that field next week remember that game and you won't let yourself play that bad again. Use it as motivation.

  3. No matter what sport you play,there will always be an off day.Even the best have days like that,otherwise we would not be human.You will come back better for it,good luck.

  4. I'm a scrum half aswell, and i'm afraid, from time to time these games happen, where nothing seems to go right for you ... ive thrown passes that have been intercepted where the opposition have gone onto score a try from it, and we have lost the game because of it ... you have just got to hold your head high, and get on with it, apologise to your team mates, take the blame, and take it like a man, and prove to your team next time that you are reliable.

    there is nothing you can do to stop bad games happening, even profesionals have bad games, it will just show the strength of your character to how well you come back from it. all you can do is keep concentrating and keep working hard, and when something bad happens, don't let it hang over you

    good luck

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