
Rugby advices please (scrum-half)?

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I'm trying to improve my scrum-half technique and I want to know, in your opinion, what is the best way for a scrum-half to introduce the ball inside the scrum ? (any further advices would be welcome ;-)




  1. Putting the ball into the tunnel should be a quick, efficient and consistent move. I like to keep the ball at my waist (so the opposing front row can't see it until it is in the tunnel), line up just slightly off center (toward my pack...not enough for the ref to get upset) and put the ball in quick hopefully banking it off the back of the hookers foot. You need to practice the timing with the hooker.

    I will usually slightly feed the ball to my side until the referee warns me...many games the ref will let some feeding go on so as not to disrupt the flow. Most good refs will warn you before calling for feeding.

  2. be honest and put it in straight. i do this and i've never lsot a scrum. its also good practise for your hooker to reach out more, and my hooker can now hook opponents feeds.

    and ofcourse timing

  3. A lot of it has to do with the timing between you and your hooker.  You should wait until the scrum is stable and have your hooker make a signal to you like tapping on the loose head prop's shoulder when he wants the ball.  You should stand with your legs spread a little more than shoulder width apart and bent at the knees so you can see your hooker's feet. Then grab the ball at both ends and roll it down the tunnel.  You should probably feed the ball a little bit even though it is illegal everyone does it.  Other than that just get the front row together and work on timing with them.

  4. tell your hooker to give you a signal, maybe a thumbs up when hes ready for you to feed in the ball.

    place the ball on the ground(be careful of the opposition scrum half cuz sometimes they'll s***w with you while you try to put it in, like they'll try to punch it out of your hands) anyways then roll it in a straight line, (maybe when you're more skilled you can try to curve it) anyways, its possible to cheat just a teensy bit, you put it in maybe 5 degrees in, it makes things easier for your hooker.

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