
Rugby and American Football?

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This is my first question, I wasn't going to ask one until I hit level 3 lol! How come, when I answered a question on the *point* of american football I was slated for comparing it to rugby, but for wimps? I genuinely wasn't being nasty (I actually thought I was just being amiably sarcastic!), I just really do feel that they are pretty much the same game, except that one game has protective clothing, the other doesn't. Do you think it has something to do with over zealous fans? Or is it a transatlantic sense of humour difference?




  1. You don't have to be anywhere near as fit to play Gridiron as you do to play Rugby or Rugby League, I've played all three !

  2. Totally agreed, can't compare the 2.

    The only thing that p**s me of about NFL, is these guys get paid A LOT off money to do what they do, however half of them are not fit at all. For instance, you have a line-man get the ball by accident and run 5 yards. After that he need to go off the field to get oxygen??? That blow my mind!

  3. They are totally different games.

    They are both full contact sports that use a ball that looks fairly similar but thats about it really.

    You can't compare the two.

  4. American football is more stop start than rugby and they have more players to bring onto the field.

  5. well rugby is obviously a rough sport but is more along the lines of grazes and bruises although is does have more serious injuries American football has broken bones and torn ligaments alot more frequent due to having no limits, wearing the pads give them the ability to hit a player as hard as they can generally not hurting themselves but most of the time injuring the other player , American football originated from rugby but are now impossible to compare as American football is much more complex

  6. Totally disagree with this guy -

    "well rugby is obviously a rough sport but is more along the lines of grazes and bruises although is does have more serious injuries American football has broken bones and torn ligaments alot more frequent due to having no limits, wearing the pads give them the ability to hit a player as hard as they can generally not hurting themselves but most of the time injuring the other player , American football originated from rugby but are now impossible to compare as American football is much more complex"

    Hits in rugby are just as hard, as hard as it humanly possible. There are a lot of injuries in rugby, but the players are simply fitter and have better learnt how to tackle and fall without injury.

    Of course compared with other sports, rugby and American football are very similar.

    In comparison rugby is a running game, the players are a lot fitter and often just as strong as American football players.

    Rugby is definitely a thinking game, complex and fluid. In American football the coach thinks for the team and tells them where to go and what to do. In rugby, the players have to think for themselves and read play as it happens, as there aren't as many stoppages, and play keeps going even after a tackle.

    And when it comes to contact sports and being

    manly, men have no sense of humour

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