
Rugby as anger management?

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Does anyone else think that the main reason people play rugby is to smash other people? The majority of my team have serious anger management issues, and are REALLY competitive, whereas I am just in it for the fun - sure I enjoy tackling but it isn't everything!




  1. defently, running through people, hitting, yelling, blood pumping, BLOOD and scoring its a great anger management class:)          PineRidge Secondary School LOSSA A Champions :D

  2. Yeah I agree with you

  3. I disagree. I think they go out there to win, but sometimes there anger boils over because the ref makes a bad call or the opposition tackles them.

  4. It's a competitive sport, don't you think that your teammates being REALLY competitive is appropriate? (unless you mean REALLY competitive with each other, in which case that's likely counter productive to solid teamwork)

    As for the sole purpose of playing being smashing people, I don't think so, not for me anyway.

  5. Sports involve competition. It's pretty hard to be competitive if you have anger management issues. Rugby is about a lot more than "smashing" other people.

    I've actually found that the guys with the shortest fuse, and the loudest mouths tend to become very quite and tolerant on the rugby field. It's the quiet, controlled types with seemingly no anger management issues that do the damage.

  6. It does help me let off some steam, but my main reason for playing rugby is how fun it is.

  7. NO WAY!!! I mean, yes, there are some people that play for that purpose but they are totally playing for the WRONG reason. It's supposed to be a game of fun and skill, where, while yes, you tackle and ruck the opposition while on the pitch, off the pitch you're like old friends (providing they play clean, of course). In any sport you play, you will find competative players. I'd know, I'm a very competative person and I've played on many teams of different sports with people much more competative than me. Tackling isn't everything in rugby, it's more ball handling, team work and many other skills over tackling, but it is a necessary part of the game (not THE game). If your team just isn't fun to play on, maybe you can find a less serious league in your area to play on, where you can soley enjoy the game and put in as much as you feel comfortable. I really have to repeat myself though, that is such a pet peeve of mine, that people think that ruggers play simply to get rid of stress and hit people. That is a horrible misconception and gives rugby a "dirty violence" kind of look when it is anything but. Tackling won't even really hurt another player if done right, but simply gets them on the ground in order to hopefully turn over the ball (the entire point of a take-down). I hope this was informative from my point of view :)

  8. It absolutely helps me to blow off some steam.  But so does going for a long run, or any other vigorous exercise.  I would contest that people would play rugby for the sole purpose of smashing people.  There is always a bigger fish out there.  For every player you smash, there's a monster out there who is bigger and faster than you waiting for you to touch the ball.  Anyone who has been playing for awhile knows this.  They also know that justice on the pitch is swift.  Those who intentionally hurt another player are dealt with by the teammates of the injured player.  Alot of things happen in the ruck or scrum that can't be seen by the ref.  Point is this, while it is an intensly physical game, good players have good manners.  

    If you don't like the attitudes of your teammates, find another club.  If all they know how to do is hit, they probably suck anyway, right?

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