
Rugby disgrace?

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the shame those players brought on our country last night is unforgivable, in my opinion the display was short of treason had it have hapened 100 years ago they would all beheaded.Why has this country gone soft?




  1. mmm.... give some credit to the ENG team. They fought hard & Ye! they reach the finals so thats an achievement itself. Some win some lose but thats the game of life!

    am not either fan of  ENG nor SA but honestly i did bet for SA after seeing them play against ARG for the semi-finals.

  2. Well Brian D, this is another Brian D here, from South Africa though. I find your comments pretty stupid. The English team came a long from from that 36-0 trashing and did really well to get to the final. Thats the problem with some of you English, you're always building up your players and team to something they are not (just like in football) and then knock them when it doesnt work out. Just get over it, England are just not that good at sport! You are OK, but in case you didnt realise there are a lot of other good sporting countries out there. England have a limited team who played a boring to watch kicking game. But those players played their hearts out last night and gave us a very good game. If Cuetto's try had counted who knows what would have happened. Those players should be praised for their effort....

  3. How you England supporters can call that final 'good rugby' is beyond any knowledgeable rugby fan. England didn't know what to do with the ball when it was given to their backs. Pity your team doesn't yet understand that a rugby team consists of 15 players. Their fans are obviously fair weather rugby supporters who know nothing about the game. South Africa played you at your own game (northern hemisphere style) and beat you well at it. Talk like this just shows the type of supporters England is infamous for!!!!!!!

  4. er, we were beat, fair and square by a better team, with better player, with better tactics...

    there is NO shame here, only your juvenile rhetoric...

    ok, so we lost, it isnt the first time and it wont be the last... so shut your moaning,,, could you do any better? the only thing going soft here is you mind...

    its a game, someone wins and someone loses... its not about who wind and who loses, its about playing the game in the first place..

  5. they did not bring shame on us they done there best and we should be proud of them ,at least they got to the final ,if the try had been awarded you might be patting yourself on the back for a great rugby team as it would have changed things in the game and we may have won .

    well done to S Africa from an English sportsman and not a whinger

  6. Considering England were being written off before the competition even started, we did extremely well to get to the final.  There is NO shame whatsoever in their performance and they played out of their boots last night.  

    What is unforgivable is your attitude.  Give the lads their due and congratulate them for getting as far as they did.  Us die-hard fans will be still following them, even when fly-by-nights like yourself have fallen by the wayside.

  7. shame?! they went down fighting against a team that had absolutely thrashed them in their first meeting (36-0!). I'm English, but on the day South Africa were the better team and deserved to win. The beheading comment is stupid and the country going soft? second in the world isn't bad, don't you agree? oh and i agree with b97st! footballers aren't worth anywhere near what they earn- they are wimps compared to rugby players

  8. Only shame would have been for England to win after 4 years of the most pathetic display of any champion. You didnt deserve to be in the final. You didnt deserve to make it out of pool play

  9. its you whos the disgrace,england were written off b4 the rwc,but they stuk at it with the courage that alot of footballers could use and got to the final, i dont see any shame in losing to probably the most consistant team of the tournament.

    you are obviously a football fan who decided to watch rugby.

  10. Were you watching a different match? The game I watched had both teams playing hard and mostly fair. The lads gave it everything but were beaten by a better team. End of. There was no disgrace and each and every player can hold his head high. Even tho they lost I am proud that they got to the final and played some good rugby when they got there. I hope they get the heroes reception they deserve when they get home

  11. At least ye got to the final. I'm Irish...............say no more.

  12. if i were scottish i'd be ashamed of myself too.

  13. Shame?

    What shame?


    You're having a laarf!

    We were in the final of Rugby Union's biggest competition, we played far better than the team that won.

    We have NOTHING to be ashamed of. I hope our boys receive the heroes welcome they deserve when they come home.

  14. Don`t know where you are coming from, we got to the final against all the odds and gave a very good account of ourselves, we just got beaten by a better team on the night. Congrats SA

    The England team can hold their heads high, well done.

    I`m guessing you`re a Jock wind up merchant

  15. Yes I agree they were a total disgrace on England. All the other countries of the World laugh at us behind our backs BTW.

  16. Hey, is rugby THAT serious?

    Proud South African here.  : )

  17. They were playing a RUGBY game! They did extremely well to get to the final. You obivously think you can do better so let's see you then.

  18. That's a bit harsh. At least we got to the final. The same can't be said for our overpaid and over rated footballers.

  19. They did very well to even get to the final....

  20. This guy is Obviously a Poofball fan?!?!?

    He has NO idea of Rugby!!!

    The best thing is to ignore this idiot and he'll go away!!!!!

    Another one of these Band wagon jumping fools who only started showing interest when England got to the Final!!!!

  21. Firstly I think we did really well considering SA beat us 36-0 in an earlier round and we should be proud of our Guys for doing so well last night.

    Message from my husband on your comments: stand in the same room as the England Rugby boys and say that to their face!!!

  22. so let me guess are you a bandwagon jumper???? jump on when theyre doing well but as soon as they loose you jump off?? unbelieveable....

  23. What on earth are you talking about?

  24. your an idiot

  25. you have got to be a scot
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