
Rugby is a game played by men with funny shaped balls. Is this true?

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Rugby is a game played by men with funny shaped balls. Is this true?




  1. Not true.

    Rugby is played nowadays by both sexes.

    The ball is a funny shape though...............

  2. That depends on your definition of funny!

  3. Yeah it is.!!!!

  4. good one

  5. Yes it is!

    And it is ONE funny shaped ball......not many BALLS!

    As you suggest!

    But it is also played by women and they too use a funny shaped ball!!!!!!!!!!!

    Strange that?

    Don't you think?

    You Fecking Melt!

  6. True, I live in the town, all the men here play with odd shaped balls !!

  7. Never heard that expression before, how original !

  8. I don't care what shape their balls are, rugby players do it for me!

  9. How original

    You are a wanker mate

  10. Rugby is the only sport played by men.......!

  11. Yes rugby is for men and football is for for the men who can't play rugby.

  12. No its played by Men with squashed balls, unlike football which is played by a bunch of sissies with round balls.

  13. I don't think so, how could they find that many men with funny shaped balls? Who would verify it?

  14. Right on mate

    The ball the play with is funny shaped and so are there testis (this is a scientific term and not foul language)

    That gives a total of 61 funny shaped balls, unless some have only one or none...

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