
Rugby or NFL?

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Which do you prefer?

I personally think NFL is rugby for people who are scared of getting hurt.




  1. Someone from the States.... Rugby all the way!

    the NFL is too slow, too many breaks.... and why is because of the money involved in Advertisements!

    Yes, there are injuries in the NFL, but that's because the game is backwards. Why Run in one direction.... only to have to turn in the complete opposite direction to see the ball from a pass, then just get blind sided.

    And running out of bounds to avoid getting hit!! it happens all the time in the NFL, Rugby you get penalized for running out of bounds.

    Why does a 15min quarter take 60 mins to play?  75% of the time is wasted!

    The NFL is so anti-climatic

    Millions of people watch The Superbowl

    Billions of people watch the Rugby World Cup!!

    Just maybe the rest OF THE WORLD is on to something

  2. I used to watch NFL but since I seen Rugby via the Mediazone website its better than the NFL. The NFL for overpaid players and not as fit as rugby. Rugby is more international like soccer, but at least they score tries in rugby.Both at dangerous but at least in rugby you know to be hit not collided like in football. Some americans are so narrow minded to know about rugby! I cannot sit and watch television commericals and watch padded players which are too overpaid and collid into each other.

  3. Personally i don't watch either of that - cuz its boring sport but if i had to choose ill watch NFL cuz the Americans now how to make show from everything even from a boring sport

  4. Rugby Although after the World Cup fiasco i'm starting to wonder.....

  5. neither. both are just excuses for men to touch each other and not be consisdered homosexual.

  6. NFL is rugby for Americans. It is and will remain this way.

  7. I have played both and i can tell you thatt in NFL(sorry for using that), the hits are as equally hard and don't hurt!!!!! cos of the pads. In rugby, you see faster players (Habana and Robinson are both former olympic sprinter), stronger players (Chabal is 20st and is only 10% body fat compared to those fat guys in the nfl who are probably 30 stone and 100% fat) and BETTER PLAYERS. NFL is for Pussys. Also, have you noticed that all the NFL kickers are retired RUGBY players who just want more money!!!!!!!!!! And by the way, rugby has just as many "moves" as NFL, they just arent all talked about between each tackle.

    If you still think hat NFL is harder then i advise you to play a PROPER game of rugby. Or at least watch a proper match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    By the way, i prefer rugby........

  8. Well, firstly, when you see NFL players do you see them looking absolutely undamaged and looking perfectly normal? YES! When you see Rugby players do you see them fine? NO! Their ears are all mushed up and look absolutely battered! I think that answers you question: Rugby players are the strong, hardcore, loyal ones!

    Rugby all the way!

  9. Trbld1...I personally think NFL is rugby for people who are scared of getting hurt.......

    Yeah i agree, also who else plays it apart from Americans? Other than some minor nations, it's hardly a world sport. I think that pretty much answers your question.

  10. Rugby...NFL games seem to last for 4 hours but the ball is only in play for around 20 minutes.The rest of the time these padded nancy boys are huddled together, having a chat.

  11. I think the fact that Rugby (as well as football) is an INTERNATIONAL sport, speaks volumes against the NFL. Which to me is a tool for nationalist pride, so that the americans can think that they are the BEST at something nobody else wants to play...

    And Moaris, happen to be the toughest,strongest & fastest sportsmen on earth. They could easily own an NFL player..with or without their girly pads hahaha.

  12. I prefer Rugby but if you think NFL players don't get hurt you are an idiot. Whilst they are not as fit as our Rugby players they are much much stronger.

    Strongest player in Rugby is Andy Sheridan who can bench about 500lb or something.

    Larry Allen who is the strongest in the NFL can do 700lb.

    There is also not as many tackling regulations in NFL so you regularly see helmet first challenges into the mid section (where there is no paddin).

    But i prefer Rugby for it's non-stop action.

  13. I think its really cute, how NFL players are too scared to play rough o'l Rugby

    Ice Hockey! NOW THERES a tough sport, the canadians sure are violent wen you get them to ice hahahaha

    - To "know it all" Daisy dukes? what are they? do you mean hot pants?...ok, they wear SHORTS for ease of motion. Also they arn't upset about getting dirty, or their legs mawled ( A tactic still legal in some unions where a player can stab into another with his shoe spikes)

  14. rugby, football has pads,!! derkadur! and rugby is freakin fun, and easy to understand + im really good at it! we play with the guys to,,so the girlz kick *** at rugby! football is hard to learn for me cuz i just started it this year! and they never get hurt unless they hurt a bone or c**p, owe! football is for wussys!

  15. Rugby because there is never a bad game in rugby, but, I haven't really watched NFL, so I probably should have answered after I watched the this NFL London game today :D, but i Think it's rugby

  16. Rugby every time.  NFL nancy boys need pads to protect em.

  17. I like rugby union more, but i watch football sometimes. Its more of a spectator sport, or a rehearsal. It must be very boring to play.

    Know it all: pre-planned moves arent strategy. Try writing your own playbook during each match, and then there will be strategy in the game.

    I can run a 40 METRE dash in 4.3 seconds, and im among the big players in the team, not the fastest.

  18. first off- i dont understand people's need to compare the two sports- they are completely different.  apples and oranges.  they are trained for in two completely different ways.  football players hit harder becasue they can- and they train to do so and therefor they need more protection.  they can hit harder because they dont need to spread their energy out over 40 minute halves.  ruggers have to run longer and although they hit hard- it s differnt tackle, a differnt way of doing it all together.  ive seen a lot of ex-football players split their heads open when they try rugby for the first time becuse they dont know how to tackle differntly.  

    secondly- its not that those of us in the usa dont like rugby- its that we dont know what it is becasue it isnt televised... most of the poeple that play rugby here found the sport in college because most colleges have teams.  high schools are just starting to have teams.  there are vitually no youth programs with rugby.  rugby is not televised.  you have no idea how much it has cost us to watch the rugby world cup this past month!!!!  my bar tab has been astronimical between drinks, food, and cover charges!!

    rugby isnt televised because of marketing /advertisement difficulties.  football breaks every few minutes for commercials and rugby plays straight for 40 minute halves.   it would be insane for a station to broadcast rugby over forrtball based on that fact alone.  

    we need to stop comparing rugby and football- the games, principles, and rules are completely different!!!  its not that the USamericans are ignorant, its that were not educated.  but rugby is growing here in the states and before long, we'll be internationally comeptetive.. did you see how well the Eagles played this year?  sure they lost... but thye played better against SA than england did in the preliminaries!

    oh and to answer the question... i prefer to play rugby!  but i enjoy watching both!

  19. i perfer rugby, it is much quicker game then NFL, always something going on, unlike NFL were there are contant breaks between the next play.

  20. I’ve played them both and totally enjoyed them both.

    And, No I didn’t wear the gears because I was scared, but I did use it as a great weapon to get the job done.

    But, to answer your question, I prefer ‘Rugby.’

  21. rugby - NFL the ad breaks are too long in between game time!

  22. rugby for the british, nfl for the americans; keep the 2 sports and the two countries well apart, is what i think

  23. I prefer watching NFL. Bigger hits and I understand what's going on.

  24. The NFL hands down - because it is as American as apple pie.  Go Patriots!

  25. first off rugby rules, both league and union, and not just cause it was FIRST! not that americans couldnt think up a new game on their own *laughs to self*

    rugby players a harder hitting, games are always being stopped so ppl can have blood cleaned.

    ahem! for your info 'know it all' have you ever seen a maori!? they are human tanks!

    as far as speed goes rugby has some of the fastest ppl in the world! Jonah Lomu (new zealand) could run 100m in 11secs, and Bryan Habana (South Africa) has recently proven his speed by racing a cheetah, now if that aint fast i dont know what is!

    and game plans are for loosers who cant think on their feet.

    the only reason NFL wear helmets is cause their afraid of taking a blow to the head like a real man!

    (edited) first, football (FIFA) is international, the whole world loves it...and umm your saying football (FIFA) is g*y >.> so im guessing wearing skin tight lycra pants and men jumping on top of each other isnt g*y? and ummm baseball, oh yeah, isnt that the thing that was originally rounders made for english girls to play? and netball made for girls is now your basketball....look up the facts idiot, all your amazing sports are just games made by england and twisted ever so slightly...and football (FIFA) is going to be a big player in USA simply because NFL is generally only watched by macho men who enjoy watching other men run around in tight clothes, wheras football (FIFA) has the outcasted latino, the HUGE womens fan base (womens soccer), and yes the kids will most likely keep playing football (FIFA) through their life...face it Beckham has landed :P

    AND FINALLY!! take a look, NFL is pretty much identical to AFL (Australian Rules Football) founded in 1858....and guess what its far tougher than NFL with NO padding whatsoever!!....and if you watch the southern hemesphere teams play (NZ, AUS, SA) they all play the same brutal and hardcore way :)

    *sigh* you truly are american, your only defence is pointing out that NFL is only popular because americans are too afraid to support anything else out of pride, even going as far as actually wasting their time watching teenage boys grope each other in high school know in the rest of the world there is so many great sports and great teams that nobody bothers watching anything other than the elite.

    lets see...american football has ZERO international tournaments, rugby is so big it needs both league and union, and has numerous international tournaments between them.

    football (FIFA) has numerous CONTINENTAL tournaments as well as a WORLD cup that has to have a year long qualifiers to get entry into. yes Beckham isnt as popular as everyone thought, but the facts are that USA is guided by media and money, the fact that USA's international rugby and football team are getting so strong is a sign that americans will be suckered in to loving football (FIFA) and rugby because their ego pride will be gloating that they are so good at the sport, and will drop NFL because who else plays it....nobody....ALL your stupid sports are just english sports twisted to suit your single minded pride! so stop poluting the internet with your single minded elite american c**p!

  26. They are all tough sports.  I love watching Rugby Union, Rugby League and even though I know nothing about American Football it looks exciting though.  Don't compare the sports just appreciate them.

  27. rugby is for guys not big, strong or fast enough to play football. i love the NFL for it's infinate strategy. an NFL playbook is as thick as a new york city phone book.

    and how many rugball players can run a sub 4.5 second 40 yard dash?

    and by the way, why do rugby players wear daisey dukes? seriously, is there a reason their shorts are so tight?

    and for the girl who said it's hard to keep beer cold for 3 hours, don't you have ice in your country?

    el puma, if you run a 4.3 40, i'll eat my computer. get real loser. and we don't measure in METRES here, the metric system is for loser countries like yours.

    hey metti', we don't need to make up a sport to be the best at, we're the best at just about all sports, as we prove every 4 years in the olympics. and does anyone here doubt that we'll we'll be at the top of the medal board again next summer in beijing? anyone? the only sports we don't dominate are the stupid sports we don't care about like soccer and rugball.

    el puma, if pre planned moves aren't strategy, i guess there's no strategy in chess right? i think you're late for your special ed class pal.

    guardian angel, you've been eating too many paint chips son. soccer will be bigger than football in 20 years? please stop showing your ignorance. yes, kids here play soccer, they have been for many decades. that's what soccewr is here, a kids game. it looks odd to us to see grown men playing it. it looks so g*y. that's where the term 'soccer moms' comes from, suburban mothers don't want their small kids playing the much rougher sport of football, so they enroll them in soccer. but by the time these kids reach high school age, the best athletes drop soccer and start playing real sports, like football, baseball, and basketball. only the kids not good enough to make it in real sports play soccer into adulthood. high school football on friday nights is as american as apple pie. and yes, apple pie is synonimous with american culture. if you ever want to see how passionate americans are about football, all you have to do is watch the movie 'friday night lights', which was a true story. get this through your puny euro-trash heads, SOCCER SUCKS! it's a stupid, boring kids game, and that's what it will always be here. soccer will never even come close to baseball or basketball in popularity, let alone football, by far our favorite sport.

    guardian angel, you are truely a clueless moron. you know as  much about american culture as i know about brain surgery. womens soccer? i remember a few years ago when they started a women';s pro leauge with mia hamm and those chicks. i think it lasted 1 season before it folded. and david beckham? oh yeah, i vaugley remember the hype when he came here to play a few months ago, when he sold out a few of those tiny little 27,000 seat soccer stadiums. internet rumor was he was selling out stadiums everywhere, but that was bullsh*t. i think the biggest crowd to see him play was 44,000 at RFK stadium in washington DC. a big crowd for a soccer game yes, but far from a sellout. RFK hold about 72,000. compare that to the washington redskins, who play across town in the brand new fed-ex field. every home game is sold out a year in advance, at 92,000 people per game. football dominates the TV ratings here pal, it more than doubles any other sport in viewers. women in america wathing soccer? what a joke. women sports fans in america couldn't care less about soccer, moron. they watch football and NASCAR. there are 10s of millions of women football fans in america. there MIGHT be 50,000 women soccer fans, and most of them are hispanic or women who migrated here from europe. football is by far the most watched sport in america. it's loved by men, women, and children. old and young alike. black and white, rich and poor, we are rabid football fans. 20 of the top 30 rated shows in TV history are superbowls. superbowl sunday is practically a national holiday. monday night football, which i'm watching right now, is more often than not the most watched show on TV every week. let's compare soccer ratings to football ratings. oh wait, we can't, because soccer isn't on TV here, except for on spanish speaking channels like univision, because no one here who speaks english gives a sh*t about it. oh, and back to david beckham, it was a nice little story to keep our interest while we were waiting for football season to start, but once high school, college, and pro football season stated, beckham was forgotten about, notice how you don't hear his named mentioned anymore?

  28. i agree...INFL is rugby for people who are scared of getting hurt.

  29. I like are wrong about people getting hurt...they wear the protection for a that they can hit harder and they do....don't you think Rugby players wear shoulder pads etc...cos they do....just don't wear crash helmets...I am English so prefer Rugby because I can watch more of it, but have been watching the NFL or over 20 years and it is very good...except for all the stopping and starting...

  30. The answer is simple! its a 5 letter word, yep u guessed it. R.U.G.B.Y.

    However if this post was posted under the NFL forum room, the results would probably sway heavily in favour of NFL. Since this is a rugby corner, everyone sways heavily with rugby because the majority in here are rugby fans of players! I'm a rugby player so sorry NFL, I'll have to go for rugby too!

  31. The only good thing about the NFL are the highlight packages other than that its about as exciting as Soccer highlights.

    d**n that 8 foot walking thingy in the middle of London looked creepy.
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