
Rugby positions?

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im about 6foot1. not to fast but reasonably fit and have a decent kick. what position wud i be most suited to? preferably id like to play in the backs




  1. Flanker would problay be the best position for you, but if you want to play as a back maybe full back , if you can tackle, kick and recive kicks . :)

  2. it depends on how old you are i'd say

    if you're under 14 id suggest 2nd row

    but if your older than 14 id suggest maybe prop!!

    look at andrew sheridan and phil vickery for example, they are both about 6ft4

    and every ones said flanker, but you need to be pretty fast to be a flanker for pessurising the opposition fly half.

    but you could play number 8

    but you need to be quite fast for that, not as fast as flankers though, more about strength for number 8 for rucks and mauls, because you need to be their first as the back row is expected to be there first

    but id say prop or second row depending on age!

  3. Odds are you'll be started on the wing. If you've never really played before and you turn up at the club, the easiest place in the backs for you to slot into is on the wing. Mostly all you have to do is keep up (a bit of pace would help) and collect the pass in attack, and work with the touchline in defence. That boot of yours may be called upon to clear the ball into touch. You can get a good view of the game and how things run - it's a good position to get eased into the game. Maybe give fullback a crack once you've got a feel for playing in the back three.

    When you've worked on your tackling, distribution and line-running, then you could move into the centres. The way you describe yourself, you'd probably enjoy yourself more in the centre, but there are a lot of responsibilities and subtleties for a newcomer.

    The half-backs (that's 9 and 10 where I'm from) carry even more responsibility, and practically run the show. As a scrum-half you need to boss your forwards to get good ball for your backs. At fly-half, you've got to make sure you play the right game in the right area of the pitch. Territorial kicking needs to be mixed with letting your outside backs attack.

    But honestly, you can play just about anywhere. I'm guessing you're not going to be playing professionally, so you're not competing with the likes of blokes 6'8" and 19 stone. We've got a second row at my club who is probably about 5'10" and he's awesome in the lineout. Your skills will mean alot more than just physical attributes.

    And I wouldn't rule out playing in the forwards. It's physically more demanding, but you're always in the thick of it, and you don't need to worry about waiting for the ball to come out to you. If you don't mind mixing it up, putting in the tackles, making the hard yards with ball in hand, and clearing out the rucks, then you could really enjoy yourself in the back row. Or if you don't have a fear of heights, see how you do getting flung into the air at the lineout as a second rower.

  4. any of the more central back positions, center or fly half i would suggest. You're probably a bit tall for a scrum-half and you need to be fast to play on the wing. It should depend on how good your kicking really is, if it's accurate, powerful and consistent in all types of kicking play fly-half but if not, play center, you'll still get to kick but there won't be as much pressure on your kicking ability. Also don't rule out playing in the forwards, second row or no.8 i would suggest from your description, these might also be worth a try.

  5. Number 8 would be a good position to play. You need to do a lot of running and passing so you need to be fit, but not necessarly fast. Kicking could be useful, but isn't necessary.

    If you work on your speed, you could be a centre. If you're big, you could play flanker since it's a lot easier than number 8 or centre.

    Good on you for playing rugby (hopefully it's Union, otherwise those answers were completely useless).

  6. unfortunatly for guys like me, 6'1 isn't too big for a back these days.

    But if you want to play in the backs you'll have to work on your pace.

    If you can't do that, then it'll be flanker or No8 if you're strong enough.

  7. you would be a great inside center

    the lodown you need to be tall and strong 6'1 is fairly tall you need to run into your opposite number and run him down just short bursts once youve drawn in players you pass it out to your outside center who is fast pacey with a blistering side step  you will need to be a good tackler and take down anyone on the pitch taller than you as for kicking you will often be given kicking duties if you a better kicker than your fly half or number 10 usually refered to as a stand off

    personally if i were you id bee a flancker but inside center is a very close second o ye and number eight is real fun if you like running with the ball good luck . sorry about my english im a bad typer

  8. If you're not too fast then full back or winger are out. At 6'1in the second row is out.

    Kicking would suit the half backs or the centres.

    It would be nice to know your weight and other skill sets to help more.

  9. if you want to play union flanker would suit you best if it  is league then full back or stand off

  10. flanker would be best if your not a skinny dude

  11. Depends how much you like to hit and ruck as opposed to how much you like to play offense and kick.  I would say play flyhalf if you want to play in the backs, if not try out #8.

  12. full back would be  suited to you as you have a decent kick and are reasonably fit.

  13. Flanker.

  14. Well i'm 6ft 2'' and i play full back or outside center. I'm a really slim lad and i always put in the big hits and make kicks count when the team need them, if your not very fit how much do you weigh as you problary wont be a back but could have a better chance being a forward hope this helps!
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