
Rugby sevens question...?

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I'm in a sevens tournament on saturday...but although I've got about 5 years exp playing rugby union up to provincial levels, I've never played sevens. Please give me some details about what the heck this is, and how (if I played second row, flank and 8 before) and I going to fit into a 3 person scrum that doesn't include any of those positions? And how do line-outs work? And isn't this going to be a whole wack of sprinting? Has anyone out there played sevens before?




  1. It's usually back row forwards that play sevens for their pace.  The lineouts are usually two man and yes, you will be doing a h**l of a lot of running.  But the games are only 15 minutes long normally so there is plenty of time to get your breath back.

  2. Yes sweetie, a whole whack of sprinting: it's not the game for a tight forward like you (mmm...nice 'n tight!).

    Take on a few pints beforehand - the rules won't seem to matter so much then, altho the ref might blow you up a bit more.

  3. The key is to remember that the game is TOTALLY different to the 15 a side game. Yes there are scrums (only 3 v 3) and line outs (in the IRB games this could be two man with one lifting the jumper).

    Just remember - if you are a forward, when playing sevens you need to play like a back when required and a forward when needed! So if you are involved in a ruck on the right wing and the ball flies out to the left wing, whatever you do DO NOT chase after the are now the right winger!

    Hope this helps!

  4. All positions can play sevens!  You just have to be smart!  It's all about seeing where the play will happen next and getting the ball there.  

    Forward to forward:  The hardest part will be resisting the temptation to simply take the ball into contact.  You still can, just remember that it will waste your energy and slow the game down.  But it isn't wrong.  When you do, go in like a maul and then widen your hips and turn and pass immediately.  That first step into contact is crucial and you need to win the advantage.

    When you go into contact you are committing their defense and creating a space for the fast people.  But you have to be quick!  Be prepared to get the ball right back!

    A note on defense:  I think the biggest adjustment is waiting.  Wait to see where they are going.  You don't necessarily want to have a flat line.  

    I'm not going to lie, the running sucks, but you will be in good shape for 15's!  I'm playing this Saturday too!  Good luck!

  5. Sevens is a much faster game than 15s. It is more a game for backs.  That is why there are only three forwards, and these are rarely props.  Don't worry about the scrum. Being 3 on each side means that the push will be much lighter. What you should take care of if you play in the middle is to keep the ball inside the scrum when fed by the scrum half.

    You need to be extra fit to last the whole 7+7 minutes, but you can have three rolling subs. Don't go sprinting on every ball...try to manage your breath. The lineouts are the same like 15s, but since there are less people, there will probably be no lifting.

    Good luck.

  6. Rugby union sevens is sanctioned by the International Rugby Board (IRB), and is played under substantially the same rules and on a field of the same dimensions as the 15-player game.

    While a normal rugby union match lasts upwards of 80 minutes, a normal rugby sevens match lasts approximately 15 minutes (allowing for the one-minute halftime break, injury time and so forth). Competition finals last somewhat more than 20 minutes; each half in a competition final is ten minutes instead of the normal seven minutes. This allows rugby tournaments to be completed in a day or a weekend. However, sevens scores are generally comparable to union scores; scoring occurs with much greater regularity in sevens, since the defenders are more spaced out than in rugby union.

    Scrum's still exist within sevens, composed of just three men from each team. Given the speedy nature of the game, players are usually either from the backline or loose trio of forwards in 15 man rugby.

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