
Rugby tackle?

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any tips




  1. My pe teacher always says good cheek to bad cheek as you go in try and put your cheek on there butt cheek on the one side that shuld give you the right height and angle

  2. mate you want you look at there is a training bit on there

  3. Hard & low and mean it.  Full commitment to every tackle.

  4. when u tackle a guy around the angles it will be a sure stop, most players try to go for the body and it looks like if they want to kiss the oaks and it is easier to push a guy away so go for the legs

  5. Asfasdfsdgfsdgsdgsdf?:))

  6. Low and HARD!!!

  7. A player can't run without his legs so take his legs.

  8. Cheek to cheek- your face cheek to opponent's butt cheek.  wrap your arms around the legs while hitting with your shoulder.  My coach always said- "attack the triangle!"  

    also, keep your neck strong by pulling your chin in (not down) and pulling shoulders up a little- like compacting it- i guess like a turtle would into its shell.  someone said above to lift your chin up- but that gets dangerous if you are extending your neck.

  9. go low and wrap your arms round there legs and drive them into the ground hold for about 3 seconds then release and roll away

  10. When you go in a tackle at rugby aim for the legs becaue if it is higher than your chest it is given as a high tackle and the ball will be given to your opposition..!

  11. Hard & low below the knees as then they cannot move.

  12. 1. The wimp tackle: Go for the ankles and hope they fall over

    2. Wimp tackle 2: Grab hold of them and try to pull them down

    3. Best fundamental tackle: You must have no doubts about it, if it's a tap penalty go straight to them before you even know who gets the ball, hit them at the waste, grab them with ur arms, and drive them back with ur legs

    4. The dump tackle: same as number 3 except drive them back and pick them up and then dump them on the floor

    5. The spear tackle (illegal): same as 4 except spear their head into the floor

    6. The rib breaker: hit them high by the ribs and make huge initial contact aim to knock them on their asses and break their ribs.

    hope it helped!

  13. Run and don't stop!Use your shoulder and aim for the chest.

  14. Get up hard and take away time and space, don't sit back. Keep your head up so you don't break your neck. Tackle through the man. Aim for a spot three fett behind the ball carrier. Hit should to thigh and wrap. The Wrap is everything! If you start being dragged slide to the ankles.

  15. Drive hard and low, a player cannot run withour his legs! Keep your head on top of the player you are tackling.

    Practice, Practice, Practice

  16. Start off a step to the left of them

    Just before they get to u, take a power step off ur left foot

    ur shoulder hits between their ribs and waist.

    keep square on back straight and momentum up.

    wrap arms and leech on.

    slide down to legs if they still standing

  17. You can tackle people at the waste and then slide down to their legs, that's a good one : D

  18. Same I tell my juniors:

    T ~ Tighten shoulders

    A ~ at pace

    C ~ cheek to cheek (your face cheek to butt cheek)

    K ~ keep your chin up & use both arms

    L ~ low body position

    E ~ eye on target

    D ~ drive with leg power

  19. depends on tha situation umm tha tackle round tha waist n slide down when u are chasin and got tha angle on tha guy bt when tacking head on keep shoulders squared, bend tha knees, head up to see where u goin n step into tha playa while goin from low to high like a plane taking off... oh and make sure be aggressive.. defensive is about personal pride..

    edit.. best thing is watch otha players in top teams and develop your own technique that suits you every1's got a slightly different technique that suits them.. if you want go to youtube and search 'sonny bill williams' hes got a good technique

  20. Don't tackle high. Number one, its a penalty. Tackle low, like so many have said (and don't forget to wrap your arms around and drive thru). Going after the legs once wrapped is good - a car can't drive without the wheels!

  21. Low and hard is always good. If you need to tackle a big ol' boy coming at you, wrap up and use his weight to fall forward. They go down like a ton of bricks.

  22. Go in with your shoulder and keep your head down or your end up like our Morley with a fractured cheek bone hope hat helps. warrington wolves fan
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