
Rugby union, for all you english out there?

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How awsome is it that England has made it to the final? who do you thinks going to win south africa or england? are you watching the game on saturday? what do you think the winning score will be? how cool was the engalnd vs france game? who do you think is the best player on the england squad? for me personally it gota be johnny wilkinson.

Sorry theres so many questions!




  1. Awesome that we're in the final, yes. I think SA will win though - they've been playing together for longer and they're a great side with lots of experience. They've not shown their best but I think we've got lucky so far and SA will exploit our weaknesses better than Aus and France did.

    Wilko isn't the best player, I don't think. He has been, before, but he's not back to his best form, not by some way.

    Sheridan? Not at his best. Vickery? Poor. Kay? Anonymous. Easter? Getting better but still showing his inexperience. Shaw? Dodgy chips. Lewsey? Not nearly as scary as he can be.

    The only person who really qualifies is Robinson, I think. Good runs, good thinking, good leadership, and great under the high ball. He's been a rock at the back.

  2. south africa will win i think hope i am wrong, me its my daughters bloody wedding so top hat and tail for me not the TV. nice to see that their not selling to well on ebay. 2 tickets went for £1300 yesterday and 2 where at £10,000 buy it now.

    enjoy the least i will be pissed and not pissed off

  3. It may not be pretty but after 4 years [since last WC]the English have endured the slagging of everybody[including their own]we enjoy burning the sails of the slaggers.The secret of doing well in the World Cup is identifying what you do best and what the opponents dont do so good and keeping your fingers crossed and performing with passion.How the mighty have fallen.Australia and NZ must have thought the cup was in the bag[not smart!!] SA may be thinking the same!!!If it doesn't come off for England it wont be the end of the world[like it is in NZ,I know I am half Kiwi and have lived there for 12 years and wear 2 hats!!! so I know] Go for it England.

  4. I hate the way england wins... kicking and kicking and kicking. If I wanted to watch a kicking game, I would watch soccer. So many great teams beaten by a stupid brat and 14 dumbasses who are afraid of going under the posts.

  5. I agree with the top poster.  Bring back the running game!

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