
Rugby union rugby league?

by Guest66055  |  earlier

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Have you noticed the difference of demographic of league players and union players?

I agree league is a much more professional game, better quality players. Although many of the professional players seem to be of a different demographic. Watching a game of league here in australia, you wouldn't be hard pressed to spot someone with a half-mullet or shaved sideburns. Comparing the two when they sing the national anthem, many of the league players do not sing at all. The ones that do, seem to mumble or just open their mouths a bit so that nobody can tell that they don't know the words.

I sometimes think that the reason why league is scored the way it is (4 points for try 2 points for a conversion) is so it would be easier for them to count in even numbers. Obviously that last point is not the real reason.




  1. Hilarious. The others have answered your question. Excellent observations.

    Personally I like all the huffing and puffing, trying to answer the commentary guys.

  2. Let's break it down here...

    Union was originally the game of the "upper" crust. Only those who attended "boys schools" were able to play.

    Rugby League was the game for the working man.

    Both games have their pro's and con's, however sticking your head up somebody else's behind for a scrum every 2 minutes, and stacks on whenever somebody has the ball seems a little to um....non manly to me!

    By the way...have you noticed the great number of players easily transitioning between the two codes? Obviously the day of the snob is gone...and long live the Mullet!!

  3. I'll be honest, i've never watched a full game of union, didn't understand half of it. Are you asking a question or just making a statement against league players, and the commentators. Admittably, some of your comments are very true though. Do all the union players actually sing the anthem? who really does? do they also have the perfect haircut and side burns, sorry if "some" league players are daring to be different. yep, your right again, with the scoring, we don't want to get mixed up with the odd ones.

  4. Well, as it's been said before:

    Rugby League is a game for gentlemen played by ruffians and Rugby Union is a game for ruffians played by gentlemen. Says it all really.

    Comment on the commentators:

    I once heard the captain of the Australian cricket team (I think it was Mark Taylor at the time). When asked how he thought they would go in the next Test, he said "If we score enough runs, we'll win."  So, stupid comments aren't the exclusive province of NRL captains.

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