
Ruger 45 , Is this a pistol worth getting ?

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Does anyone have a Ruger 45 semi auto pistol ? If so how are they ?




  1. Ruger makes a fine semi-auto. I own a 9mm SR9 and a buddy of mine owns a P89 and are both fun to shoot. I have no experience with the .45s but know that you won't be dissatisfied. Of course if this is your first handgun you may want a smaller caliber.

  2. I've got a stainless P90(metal frame) that has never jammed up on me yet after 1000+ rounds of assorted FMJ and HP.

    Pros: It's built like a freakn tank and will feed anything you put into it. It's also super easy to break down and clean.

    Cons: Unless you've got huge shoulders and a tiny waist it's too bulky for concealed carry. The single action trigger pull is very sloppy and has a LOT of travel.

    If you're looking for a duty gun or something just for the range/home protection i'd get it. If you're looking for a concealed carry pistol id pass.

  3. yes, my dad has one. I'd say its pretty hard core.  

  4. I don't own any Ruger automatics, but the ones I have fired have been in 9mm.  Ruger makes good handguns in any caliber.  The only exception would be their first foray into autos and that was the P-89.  The P-89, sold only in 9mm parabellum, was a good pistol if you only fired FMJ ammo through it..LOL.  The feed ramp, for the chamber, was too steep to accept hollowpoints with any reliability.

    I'd say go for the Ruger .45 and have fun.  You might find some more expensive weapons out there, but what you want is reliability and you will get that with the Ruger.

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