
Rukia vs Orihime? Pick....?

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So.........who would you rather see Ichigo paired up with?

Rukia or Orihime or Inoue w/e her first name is >.<

personally i prefer Rukia because..erm..nothing beside that she rocks (:

AND who would he be with at the end?

Not only is he tutoring her at human life, but she is also tutoring him at shinigami world. student-teacher thingy




  1. Rukia

  2. I prefer seeing Ichigo with Orihime. I think Rukia would do better with someone else like...Renji maybe?

  3. Rukia is the perfect woman for Ichigo &#039;cus they&#039;re cute 2gether and awesome, just like NaruSaku. Anyway Rukia is the bomb and she&#039;s way way stonger that Orihime and way cooler than her. And Rukia is not whiny like Orihime and Rukia does something to help Ichigo out. They&#039;re just awesome 2gether! IchiXRuki Rox!!!!  

  4. I think Rukia would be awesome with Ichigo.  She is very cool and attractive as well!  And when Rukia is not kicking Ichigo in the face, they seem to get along fairly well.

    But that would never happen.  Ichigo and Inoue will end up together if anything.  Inoue is innocent and therefore more likely to end up with Ichigo.


  6. R













    Rukia Kuchiki again : )

  7. Rukia, of course!  It&#039;s obvious that Ichigo doesn&#039;t feel that way about Inoue.  Plus, Rukia is way cooler!

  8. I still prefer Orihime being paired up with Ichigo because she really cares about Ichigo and always wanted to be by his side and protecting him. And haven&#039;t you guys noticed how Ichigo acts towards Orihime? He&#039;s not aggressive ( know always shouting) when he talks to her not compared to the way he acts towards others. Aaaand, i think that if Orihime only has the courage to tell her feelings towards Ichigo, the rest of it is going to be romance history! ^^

    And about Rukia..think about this: you being paired up with someone NOT human and 10x much older than you. And i think the only reason that Ichigo&#039;s saving Rukia is because he owed her big time for giving him the power to protect all his loved ones and that he is one of his closest friends, not because he has mushy, lovey-dovey feelings for her. besides I think Renji better suites Rukia: they&#039;ve been friends for a reaaaallllly long time, Renji is obviously ready to risk his life saving Rukia even if it means going against his Captain (Byakuya) and getting himself almost killed by him...

    but then again, these are only my opinions. feel free to slay me with your zanpankutou if you disagree with me! ^_^  

  9. Rukia, she is superdooper!!!

  10. Rukia and Ichigo should go together!

  11. i prefer orihime cause she looks more innocent than rukia

  12. I pick Rukia.........btw, no one&#039;s really sure who ichigo is going to end up with. it&#039;s complicated love cuz it doesn&#039;t even SHOW if he LOVES any of the two but i&#039;m still voting for Rukia. He just has this thing to protect his friends (ex: saving rukia, saving orihime) so i really don&#039;t know who he&#039;s going to end up with. It doesn&#039;t even show that he loves any of the two but i&#039;m still rooting for ichiruki to happen

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