
Rules Question?

by  |  earlier

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During a round of golf, if a player hits a cart that does not have his clubs on it, is the owner of the cart penalized 1-stroke or is the player who hit the cart charged a stroke?

Just curious, because I was told I was to be penalized 1-stroke for not moving the cart but I told everyone no one should get a penalty….




  1. There would be no penalty, i agree with the common couresty idea.  They shouldn't be there and you shouldn't be hitting into them.  Unless they have played slower than christmas, and you have had enough to drink to float a small boat.  Then take aim and fire at will!

  2. No penalty, not the fault of the cart that the player can't hit it straight.

  3. No one is penalized anything.  It is common courtesy to move your cart away from the green and it is also courtesy to wait for all carts to move away before taking your shot.  If you happen to hit one, that's just tough luck, no penalty shots.

  4. they would just start there shot again. they wouldnt get penalised

  5. You shoud not be penalized on that.  But if it were your bag and you were walking in a tournament you would be penalized 2 strokes.

  6. If your ball strikes your own "equipment" you incur a two stroke penalty.  Your equipment can include a cart that you are riding in.  If you hit someone else's cart (and your partner is not riding in it) then no penalty to anyone.

  7. Well if you are playing for fun, there is no point in penalizing anyone, it just takes out the fun. However, it depends on when the shot was taken. If you took way too long to move your cart, then it should be a penalty on you. However, if he shot without giving you time, he should be penalized.
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