
Rules of Golf - What is the rule on a Par three hole, if a flight behind you is ready to play?

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On a Par Three hole, when all players in the flight are on the green, are they obliged to mark their ball and let the flight behind them tee off?




  1. Rules of Golf do not mention anything regarding the courtesy of letting the foursome behind you hit to the par 3 after you have reached the green.  In most tournaments, this procedure neither eliminates the bottle neck or makes the play go faster. All it does is endanger those on the green who have called the players behind to shoot. Since this is true, finish your hole as quickly as you can and stay right behind the group in front of you instead of staying in front of the group behind you. that is the secret for eliminating slow play.

  2. Typically, if your flight is on the green  and the flight ahead of you aren't done with there tee shots for the next hole, it is a matter of courtesy (I don't know if it's a rule), to have the flight at the tee-box on your hole hit their shots.  This will preclude your flight from unnecessarily waiting to tee-off  at the next hole and allows you more time to read the line of the put.

    Moreover, if you notice that your flight is playing unusually slow, you may want to let the flight behind you play ahead.

    Whilst, rules matter, it is the courtesy and gentle-manliness that make the game of golf so unique.

  3. There is no rule regarding waving up tee to green on par 3s.  It is more of a golf etiquette issue.

  4. There really isn't a rule. It's a matter of courtesy, and depends on what your position is in the tournament, or just on the course playing.  Since I don't if there were golfers in front of you also playing and where there position was at the time, but here's a "what if."  What if there more players ahead of you, and there was a hole empty between you and the group ahead, then that would mean you were a hole behind, which you shouldn't be, meaning your group was not keeping up with the pace of play. So, if that be the case, and the group is waiting for you to putt out and clear the green and has been pushing your group, then the courteous thing to do is...everyone in your group mark their golf balls on the green...wave the group on the tee to hit....stand back out of the way....when they have quickly as each of you can get to where you have marked your golf your ball...and who is ready to so...allowing yourself a little time to study the putt...but everyone should play as expediently as possible to clear the green when the other group arrives.  And, then if you are a hole behind...your group should play "ready golf," and hit as to try and close the gap.  Or...if there isn't another group following the group you let can allow them to play there ball out..finish the hole and move on to the next tee.  Then you can finish the hole without having some one waiting on you.  It's kind of a judgement call as to the situation at that time...but courtesy is a big factor in this decision.  However, after all this...if you wave the group to hit...and they wave back and say...go's all a mute situation anyway.  However, you and your group should still be aware of where your position is on the golf course when you reach the next tee box.

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