
Rules of rugby?

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Can someone (as briefly but in detail as possible) try and explain rugby to me. My boyfriend is mad for it and trys to explain but i always turn off....wen i go next time i wantto suprise him by actually understandind. Whats the rules of the game? the aim of the game? and how do you score points and how many points...its terribly complicated and any help would be gr8!




  1. These links will tell you..

  2. EVERYTHING you NEED to know about Rugby:

    6 Nations is Union.

    I know the rules of Union, League is slightly different in a few ways. Union to me is more entertaining.

    Basically, if you have the ball, you can't pass forward. Only back. Thats why they line out in a diagonal.

    You are offside if you are infront of the ball when it is passed to you.

    You can kick forward.

    If a member of a team kicks forward, he must lead the charge the retrieve the ball for the rest of his team. No member of the opposing team is allowed to stop him. Thats a foul.

    If they kick the ball between the posts and over the bar, thats a Drop Goal. 3 points.

    If the ball is kicked and goes off the pitch after crossing the Tri-line, the opponants immediately get the ball.

    If the ball goes off the sides -goes into touch- the other team gets to throw in.

    The two teams line-out. the ball must be thrown in unbiased. The idea is that it doesn't drift to the sides, but instead its the length of the throw that helps the throwers team keep the ball.

    If the ball is kicked off, and is caught by an opponant before it lands, he can pass to a team member to get the ball back in play quicker if he wishes.

    The tri line is the line that the H posts sit on. When the ball is touched down across your opponants tri-line, your team gets 5 points. Your team then gets a chance for conversion.

    That is, 20 yards back from the tri line, directly back from where the tri was scored, a kicker will attempt to kick the ball between the posts for a further 2 points.

    When a man is tackled, he can, if possible, pass the ball on to another teammate. Probably though, he will fall to the floor. When he does, he will face his team, and place the ball infront of him. If he doesn't let go of the ball, its a foul. Other teammates will run up and protect the ball.

    This is a Ruck.

    When the ruck is formed, the only way for the opposing team to get it back in this position is to "Turn over" the ruck.

    That is, they must push the ruck over the ball, so the ball is infront of the ruck. If they try to reach the ball through, over, or around the ruck, its a foul.

    Depending on fouls commited, there will be a drop kick, where the kicker will try and kick further up field, but not so far his team cant reach it by running, OR there will be a scrum.

    A scrum is when both teams offer forward 7 men, locking arms around shoulders, to use brute force to win over the ball. The ball, again without bias, is rolled by a member of the team that was fouled, into the locked scrum. If a scrum tam is strong enough, they can push the other scum back up the field. The scrum must stay together til the ball is back in play or the scrum will be  reset. The ball is back in play when an 8th man at the back of the scrum, recieves the ball.

    Those are the main rules, and basic concept of rugby.

    There are a LOT of little rules that go along with those, because its really a complicated game.

    Its a unique game in that the Ref, instead of making sure nothing goes wrong, like other refs in other games, makes sure everything goes right, and can often be heard telling the players what to do.

    Many people who dont know the rules or structure of the game think it looks like chaos, but if you understand the rules, even its basic, its one of the most entertaining games out there to watch.

    Good luck. LOL

  3. ok, i'm the ex of a rugby fanatic, and before we split i got as far as this:

    i deal in 6 nations, which i think is league (but might not be, so wait until we get confirmation later) you want to be looking for:

    when your team run with the ball and get it across the far line - that's a try. try = 5points

    then, the kicker (don't ask em the proper name, but usually number 10ish) goes for a conversion by kicking it through the goal coversion = 2 points.

    penalties are kicked through the goal too, and they're 3 points.

    good luck, i'll be watching as i quite enjoy - but above = my limitations.

  4. Depends whether you mean rugby league or rugby union either way is a good website pretty easy to navigate and has good pages explaining the laws of both codes in an easy to understand fashion.

    Hope this helps


    PS. i dont work for the BBC

  5. Look, they are fit blokes (mostly) wearing tight tops and getting all flithy, sweaty and muddy for our viewing pleasure. Why bog it down with rules?

  6. Try this link.

    I think this is mainly for Rugby Union. The six nations championship started this weekend.

    Rugby League is a variation of the game which is played mainly in the north of England. Their new league championship season has just started.

  7. Kia Ora Bro, one team get the ball and run like h**l bro. The other team tries to smash you . It was better when us maoris could ruck the lily soft poms into the mud at Rotorua bro, but the sooks changed the rules bro. My sis reckons netball is tuffer now.

  8. union or league
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