
Rules on damath?

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  1.  DAMAth NAlAng taYu... TraIniNg muNA kaYu..whahaha!


  2. how to play polynomial damath??

  3. polynomial damath

  4. How to play Integer DaMath

    · Set the starting position of the chips as follows:

    'Red Chip' Player integers 'blue chip' player 'red chip' player

    -9 (1,2) (6,5)

    2 - 5 8 -11 6 (3,2) (4,5)

    -7 10 -3 0 -1 (5,2) (2,5)

    4 - 1 6 -9 4 (7,2) (0,5)

    0 (0,1) (7,6)

    -3 (2,1) (5,6)

    -9 6 -1 4 10 (4,1) (3,6)

    0 -3 10 -7 -7 (6,1) (1,6)

    -11 8 -5 2 -11 (1,0) (6,7)

    8 (3,0) (4,7)

    'Blue Chip' Player -5 (5,0) (2,7)

    2 (7,0) (0,7)

    · Toss a coin to determine which player will have the first 'move'.

    · Moving a chip means sliding it diagonally in the forward direction only except when taking an opponent's chip or if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's chip.

    · The two players alternately take turns in moving a chip (pass is not allowed).

    · A player who touches a chip ('touch move') is required to move unless it is not possible to do so.

    · After each 'move', a player has to record his or her 'move' in a scoresheet (only one scoresheet will be used by the two players).

    · Each player is allotted one minute per 'move' including the recording of the 'move' and the corresponding score in the scoresheet. Inasmuch as taking a chip or chips is mandatory, then the one-minute per 'move' does not apply in this situation.

    · In taking an opponent's chip, the 'taker' chip jumps over the 'taken' chip and uses any of the four operation symbols of +, -, x, and -:- where the taker chip lands.

    · A chip is declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following squares of the opposing player: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0) Similarly, the opposing player's chip is declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following squares: (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7)

    · A 'dama' chip can slide diagonally forward or backward in any unoccupied square as long as no opponent's chip blocks its path. It could take a chip or chips whereby its corresponding sum, difference, product or quotient is doubled. Similarly, if an ordinary chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, its score is also doubled.

    · Correspondingly, if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, then its score is quadrupled.

    · A 'taker' chip can take one chip or more than one chips with the required option to take the greater number of chips.

    · Between "a 'dama' chip taking an opponent's chip" and "a chip taking an opponent's chip", the former prevails.

    · A 'taker' or 'taken dama' chip should be identified by encircling it in the scoresheet.

    · The game ends if:

    · the 20-minute game period lapsed;

    · the moves are repetitive;

    · a player has no more chip to move;

    · an opponent's chip is 'cornered'.

    · The remaining chip or chips of the players are to be added to their respective scores. If the remaining chip is a 'dama', then its score is also doubled.

    · The player with the greater accumulated total score wins the game.

    How to play Fraction DaMath

    · Set the starting position of the chips as follows:

    'Red Chip' Player fractions 'blue chip' player 'red chip' player

    10/10 (1,2) (6,5)

    3/10 6/10 9/10 12/10 7/10 (3,2) (4,5)

    8/10 11/10 4/10 1/10 2/10 (5,2) (2,5)

    5/10 2/10 7/10 10/10 5/10 (7,2) (0,5)

    1/10 (0,1) (7,6)

    4/10 (2,1) (5,6)

    10/10 7/10 2/10 5/10 11/10 (4,1) (3,6)

    1/10 4/10 11/10 8/10 8/10 (6,1) (1,6)

    12/10 9/10 6/10 3/10 12/10 (1,0) (6,7)

    9/10 (3,0) (4,7)

    'Blue Chip' Player 6/10 (5,0) (2,7)

    3/10 (7,0) (0,7)

    · Toss a coin to determine which player will have the first 'move'.

    · Moving a chip means sliding it diagonally in the forward direction only except when taking an opponent's chip or if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's chip.

    · The two players alternately take turns in moving a chip (pass is not allowed).

    · A player who touches a chip ('touch move') is required to move unless it is not possible to do so.

    · After each 'move', a player has to record his or her 'move' in a scoresheet (only one scoresheet will be used by the two players).

    · Each player is allotted one minute per 'move' including the recording of the 'move' and the corresponding score in the scoresheet. Inasmuch as taking a chip or chips is mandatory, then the one-minute per 'move' does not apply in this situation.

    · In taking an opponent's chip, the 'taker' chip jumps over the 'taken' chip and uses any of the four operation symbols of +, -, x, and -:- where the taker chip lands.

    · A chip is declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following squares of the opposing player: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0) Similarly, the opposing player's chip is declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following squares: (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7)

    · A 'dama' chip can slide diagonally forward or backward in any unoccupied square as long as no opponent's chip blocks its path. It could take a chip or chips whereby its corresponding sum, difference, product or quotient is doubled. Similarly, if an ordinary chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, its score is also doubled.

    · Correspondingly, if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, then its score is quadrupled.

    · A 'taker' chip can take one chip or more than one chips with the required option to take the greater number of chips.

    · Between "a 'dama' chip taking an opponent's chip" and "a chip taking an opponent's chip", the former prevails.

    · A 'taker' or 'taken dama' chip should be identified by encircling it in the scoresheet.

    · The game ends if:

    · the 20-minute game period lapsed;

    · the moves are repetitive;

    · a player has no more chip to move;

    · an opponent's chip is 'cornered'.

    · The remaining chip or chips of the players are to be added to their respective scores. If the remaining chip is a 'dama', then its score is also doubled.

    · The player with the greater accumulated total score wins the game.

    How to play Binary DaMath

    · Set the starting position of the chips as follows:

    'Red Chip' Player whole nos. 'blue chip' player 'red chip' player

    0 (1,2) (6,5)

    1 0 1 0 1 (3,2) (4,5)

    0 1 0 1 0 (5,2) (2,5)

    1 0 1 0 1 (7,2) (0,5)

    1 (0,1) (7,6)

    0 (2,1) (5,6)

    0 1 0 1 1 (4,1) (3,6)

    1 0 1 0 0 (6,1) (1,6)

    0 1 0 1 0 (1,0) (6,7)

    1 (3,0) (4,7)

    'Blue Chip' Player 0 (5,0) (2,7)

    1 (7,0) (0,7)

    · Toss a coin to determine which player will have the first 'move'.

    · Moving a chip means sliding it diagonally in the forward direction only except when taking an opponent's chip or if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's chip.

    · The two players alternately take turns in moving a chip (pass is not allowed).

    · A player who touches a chip ('touch move') is required to move unless it is not possible to do so.

    · After each 'move', a player has to record his or her 'move' in a scoresheet (only one scoresheet will be used by the two players).

    · Each player is allotted one minute per 'move' including the recording of the 'move' and the corresponding score in the scoresheet. Inasmuch as taking a chip or chips is mandatory, then the one-minute per 'move' does not apply in this situation.

    · In taking an opponent's chip, the 'taker' chip jumps over the 'taken' chip and uses any of the four operation symbols of +, -, x, and -:- where the taker chip lands.

    · A chip is declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following squares of the opposing player: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0) Similarly, the opposing player's chip is declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following squares: (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7)

    · A 'dama' chip can slide diagonally forward or backward in any unoccupied square as long as no opponent's chip blocks its path. It could take a chip or chips whereby its corresponding sum, difference, product or quotient is doubled. Similarly, if an ordinary chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, its score is also doubled.

    · Correspondingly, if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, then its score is quadrupled.

    · A 'taker' chip can take one chip or more than one chips with the required option to take the greater number of chips.

    · Between "a 'dama' chip taking an opponent's chip" and "a chip taking an opponent's chip", the former prevails.

    · A 'taker' or 'taken dama' chip should be identified by encircling it in the scoresheet.

    · The game ends if:

    · the 20-minute game period lapsed;

    · the moves are repetitive;

    · a player has no more chip to move;

    · an opponent's chip is 'cornered'.

    · The remaining chip or chips of the players are to be added to their respective scores. If the remaining chip is a 'dama', then its score is also doubled.

    · The player with the greater accumulated total score wins the game.

  5. how to play damath

  6. What are the rules on damath?

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