
Rules to immigrate to germany?

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emmbasy rules




  1. If you are a citizen of the United States of America you can enter Germany as an Tourist. If you then decide to stay in Germany and work there you will need a job.

    Getting jobs is not so easy anymore, so you should try to work selfemployed, mayby as already suggested as an english tutor.

    To get registered and receive a work permit, you need to have a health insurance and if your selfemployment status is not immediately life supporting you might need to prove that you will be able to support yourself for at least the time the work permit is issued for.

    In general you will receive a work permit for 1 year, the next term will be two years and then five years and then normally unlimited.

  2. From which country? Any special status, like Jew of German descent, Russian citizen of German descent, Turkish under Social Contract, etc? EU or EFTA citizenship? Source of income? Degree held? Related to Germans, either by marriage or otherwise?

    I need more info! Email me.

  3. Well if you LIVE in europe already there is not much restrictions, if you come say from North America be it the USA or Canada you then would need a Visa to stay longer than 6 months, but you can get around that by leaving for a weekend to another European country and come back for 6 more months.

    With out the Visa you will have hard time finding employment unless you are self employed and then you have to ensure you follow the state and cities laws for operating a business. You can get away with doing private tutoring of English as I did for 4 months for extra DM in the early 90's but that is not the same as self employment like I do not owning a Web Company. I could move to Germany and live off my own business and would have to leave for one day every 6 months technically that is but most do not and just stay for their passports are not always stamped upon arrival into the country or it was stamped in another country so they really cannot determine how long you have been there. See what I mean.

    It is relatively easy so long as you have the start up funds to do it, and that is get a FLAT as they call them or apartment or renting a room from others is always cheapest. I always stayed with friends all except twice. I rented a room the other two times and it was more then half the savings compared to a Hotel.

    You can of course notify your Embassy in Berlin if you want to let them know you are here but it is not necessary again unless you plan to get a work Visa or Open a large business there. As a student then you do not need to unless you have problems then you might want to.

    Hope that helps, I lived and travel there every year since 1990 and have seen most of Europe also. Travel if you can, it is well worth it.

  4. There is so many rules and changing all the time. The best way you can get in formations about it, contact your local German Embassy or look on the web.

  5. I know the big one is that you or who ever immigrating to Germany must be able to support themselves. Essentially you must be a millionaire or have a job.

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