
Ruling from children & family services?

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If one parent receives a ruling of being a threat to one of his children by the mother of this child and he has two other children by another woman; does this ruling automatically pertain to the other two children even if they were not involved in the original ruling? So far nothing has been said or addressed about the other two since they live out of state and their mother has not had any type of issues with his actions towards them. But if the ruling is on the father, does that not flow over to all of his children and just not the one child? Please help because I can not seem to get any answers with anyone. Thank you.




  1. Not usually. I have an adopted son whose biological parents had rights terminated because of them being a threat to his safety, yet two younger siblings remain in the home of the biological parents. Does not make sense, but it happens. If the mother of the other two children is concerned, she should report it to the family services in her state. They very likely will also rule he is a danger to those two kids as well, but most likely not automatically.

  2. I would think it would be like a restraining order/ child support payment..Only pertain to the child thats in the case..but if you where to take him to court it would help your case.  

  3. It does not automatically cover other children. The only thing any particular ruling covers is whomever (in this case his one child) is listed in the ruling. The state's attorney at the recommendation of  CFS can request that the order be changed to include the other children if the state feels it is warranted. But if no complaints have been issued and the kids are in another state is highly unlikely any action in regard to the other children will take place.

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