
Rumors are Sonics be called T-Birds or Barons....when will it be official???

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Rumors are Sonics be called T-Birds or Barons....when will it be official???




  1. they are actually staying the supersonics

  2. Try The OKC Thunder... for real- read the story!

  3. those are rumors not real

    only peoples imagination

  4. Personally, I like the Durantulas better LOL.

  5. i heard it was just called the oklahoma city thunder.

  6. lol both would be terrible. t birds makes them sound like a cheap imitation of the hawks, while barons would just p**s baron davis off. Seattle sonics is a good name

  7. i heard in some forums that they would be called

    OKC Outlaws...

    there is a contest for the design of OKC's logo, uniform and colors at UniWatch...

    the NBA will decide what to choose in that contest.

    So the results would be announced maybe by mid-August.

  8. umm...keep the sonics

  9. its only a rumor dude, some people like it to be called the oklahoma thundercats :))

  10. The name "SuperSonics," the logo, and the colors stay in Seattle for a new franchise to start there.

    So, they can't keep the Sonics tag. I'm not sure when it'll be made official, but I'm anticipating something good.

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