
Rumors in school??

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Well, I'm having a little trouble with dealing with some of the kids at my high school. Last year was a very hard year for me. I got diagnosed with a spinal disorder, and had surgery for it one week after school started. Then, I got diagnosed with a painful nervous disroder. Let's just say I missed a lot of my first year of high school. When I got back, in November, there was rumor going around that I had HIV, because of all the school I had missed. It hurt me so much, after all that I have been through that year. The rumor is still going around school, and I don't know what to do anymore. I try to forget about it, but I feel like everytime I turn around theres more and more people talking about me.

Any advice?

Thanks for all answers!




  1. tell them what really happened if u don't mind them knowing...then they will feel stupid

    sry about that hope u feel o.k

  2. Some people are just mean. That's life. But karma will get them. In fact I was watching the Tyra Show today and they were talking about the troubles HS students have, and there was this lady who was losing her hair at 14. Well, she said she went to her school reunion and the boy who called her baldy is now short, fat, and BALD. Just stick with the people who are your friends and don't worry about the people who are spreading rumors about you.

  3. That is really awful, and I'm sorry that you're having to go through all of this.

    But as long as YOU know that the rumors aren't true then, that is the ONLY thing that matters.

    If it makes matters better, when you hear about the rumor, just laugh at it.

    && be like "are you serious'.

    It'll make the person who told you, feel completely stupid.

  4. Omg that's an awful rumor. People can be ignorant at times Sorry but this question got me mad. Just cuz youv missed school it isnt cuz u have HIV . I know this kid called Michael in my school and he missed the whole 6 & 7 grade and it was because he had heart problems and them made fun of  him and called him a bum just because ONE stupid day he dicided to wear 1 dirty sock nobody has a right to call you any names

  5. i know how you feel i am the nerd @ my school but yet i still hang out w/ the kids who make fun off me...  i have told my parents this and they tell me that i just need to ignore it and find friends who will listen to what i say and believe it  and that if i cant find friends like that than be a loner for a while until somebody comes up to you and says "hey you look kind of lonely would you like me to sit w/ u?" of my old friends had a bone disfunction thats called "scollioses (not sure if spelled correct)" she had kids make fun of her all the time because she had to wear this brace around her back and it looked kind of odd....  i didnt care what she looked like she was nice and pollite to my parents and to me, thats all that matters....  in my school you have to wear hollister you cant do this and this and theres all of these rules about how you have too look and im tired of them! there stupid...  so just remember that no mader what you can talk to your mom or dad or anyone in your family or if you find a good friend tell her what really happened and then you can talk to her...  or it could even be a guy

  6. You have nothing to hide, and nothing to be embarrassed about. What they're saying isn't true. Anyone who matters will stick around long enough to hear the truth and believe you.

    I know it's hard; but you have to let go of what people think about you. It just doesn't matter. People who spread and/or believe rumors aren't worth your time.

  7. well first of all kids in highschool are jerks they just make fun of you and start rumors because they feel they have to because somehow you are a threat to them. plus you know you shouldnt care what they say because they do it to get a reaction and you are letting them get that. now what they are doing is called harassment so you could go for a law suit but you would have to find out who really started the rumor. i know what they are saying is bad and not true but theres not really alot you can do about it, i always say " dont fall down because people would kill to see you cry" and they would too anything to see other people hurts makes them feel better. you could stick it out and know that they are complete jerks or you could transfer schools, but it sounds like you might be out of school every now and then anyway so i dont think that would help. just dont give them what they are looking for, which is attention, and just think of it in two years you will be out of there and they wont matter anymore.
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