
Rumors of Ann and George Boleyn?

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My friends told me that, ann had a misscariage and slept with her brother and they had a demented child... is that true? if not what really did happen?




  1. Ann was allegedly caught in a compromising situation with her brother.  They were both executed, so no one knows if Ann was pregnant.  Please read below.

  2. Anne Boleyn was executed for adultery with five men, one of whom was her brother George.   However, it is very, very unlikely that there was any truth in the accusations.   Henry VIII wanted to be rid of Anne, and the courts obliged by coming up with the necessary charges.  Hardly anybody believed her guilty, even the Spanish Ambassador, who disliked her intensely, thought she was innocent.

  3. I have never heard anything of Anne and her brother George conceiving a child. I have just read many times in books on the Elizabethan era and its prime figures that Anne was accused of adultery with her brother.

    Here is some very long, however interesting and easy-to-understand information...

    We also have to take into account just who Anne was married to. Henry himself was flirting with women even when he was married to Anne, so who knows what propaganda he could have invented to go against Anne's reputation? And it was all because she gave birth to a girl, who happened to be one of the greatest rulers England had ever seen.

    "In May of 1533, Anne was crowned Queen of England in a grand, elaborate coronation ceremony. Anne's dream of becoming Queen had come true.  She was now the most powerful woman in England. After achieving their goals, Henry and Anne expected to be happy.  Unfortunately, this did not happen.  They were both tired and edgy from the stresses of the past several years. In addition, Henry started losing interest in Anne shortly after he fully attained her favors.  Henry also finally realized how much his marriage to Anne had cost him. There was still a son for Henry to look forward to. Henry fully expected Anne to deliver a Prince as she had always promised.  In 1533, Anne's long-awaited child was born.  To Henry's disappointment, it was a girl.  No one knew then that the Princess Elizabeth would turn out to be one of the greatest English monarchs of all time. Anne had several more miscarriages after Elizabeth's birth.  She and Henry quarreled more, and Anne's sharp temper took hold, especially when Henry became interested in other woman.  After less than three years of marriage to Anne, Henry fell in love with a young gentlewoman named Jane Seymour.  Jane Seymour was very different from Anne Boleyn.  Unlike the dazzling, dramatic Anne, Jane was gentle, placid, quiet, and very pale.  Henry saw her as a source of peace and comfort,  and a refuge from life with the turbulent Anne. After a final unsuccessful pregnancy, Henry decided he had had enough of Anne.  He  decided to replace her with Jane Seymour.  Because Henry would lose face if he divorced Anne after all he went through to marry her, his advisors conspired some false adultery charges against her.  

    To make the charges look outrageous, Anne was accused of adultery with five different men, including [[her own brother George.]]  George's wife, the Lady Rochford, testified that her husband had been in intimate contact with Anne.  George and Jane's marriage had been arranged, and was not a happy union.  Jane Rochford hated both her husband and her sister-in-law, and envied their family closeness.  Lady Rochford's words, although lies, carried a lot of weight. Her own father and uncle voted to condemn her. Because treason was a capital crime, Anne was sentenced to death, and executed in May of 1536.  Many were outraged at this miscarriage of justice, even those who had disliked Anne Boleyn in the beginning. Henry had Anne arrested, charged with adultery, witchcraft, and incest; the charges were ludicrous even to her enemies.  Her brother George was arrested as well.  A few weeks after Anne's death, Henry married Jane Seymour in a quiet ceremony."

    Hope this helped!

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