
Rumours about my boyfriend?

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recently my boyfriend went to a party while i was away on holiday. i have heard a rumour from someone that was at the party that my boyfriend kissed one of my friends when they were both drunk. my boyfriend denies this and says they were just talking. the girl who claims that this happened says that she didn't actually see them kiss but it looked as if they did. i trust my boyfriend but i'm not sure if i trust him with this girl when they're both drunk, as he used to fancy her before we started going out. i've also heard from a friend that they were stroking each other's legs...i don't know who to believe. please help ):




  1. People don't do things they normally wouldn't do when drunk....matter of fact, alcohol allows people to lose their inhibitions and are way more likely to "offend" than when sober.  It concerned me that you don't seem to trust him with this girl...why not? Has he done anything like this before?  If so, the rumours might just have some truth to them.  If he hasn't then you'll have to take a close look at your lack of trust for it your low self esteem, or his behavior that makes him untrustworthy at times?  Last, what does your gut instinct tell you....gut instinct is your best friend.....go with it.

  2. Believe your boyfriend. You have to have trust. I doubt he would lie to you about. Plus, it sounds like the person who told you wasnt so sure.

  3. you either trust him or not, that's what it all boils down to, the rest is irrelevant. It does sound a little shady though.

  4. 1 rule in life: Never believe in rumours as someone created them to hurt you. I'm not saying this is not true but just because someone made it up don't believe them. Just get back with your boyfriend and pretend nothing has happened as this will annoy the person who started the rumour. Also another guy could have made this up as he wants you to split up with your boy friend to have you to his self .

  5. If your boyfriend really does love then he wouldn't have cheated... You should ask him about the leg stroking stuff as well though.. if this is true then there's a possibility that they most likely did kiss... But at the same time if he said he didn't kiss her then you should believe him... It would be doubtful if he has done it before, however, give him a chance and ask him kindly not to get drunk with this girl again because you can't trust her but make sure you tell him that you can trust him (that is if u can trust him!)

  6. Don't listen to rumours - they're bad for your head and, in the grand scheme of things - who really gives a shhite...

  7. It really ticks me off when people start these daft rumours that cause so much grief without any evidence. Your so called friend tells you this rumour but has no evidence and di not see them kiss!

    You either trust your friend and boyfriend or you don't.


    With the rest of the info you have added it would seem to me that this girl is trying to break you both up. Just ignore her and tell her to!

  8. If the girl that told you the rumor is not that close to you and probably hate you in secret, then do not believe her. But, if she's really close to you and does care for you truthfully, then believe what she's saying

  9. trust him as you only have hear'say to go on.

  10. Oh my god this happened to me!! Lol.

    I was in a club with my friends and my boyfriends best mate. He had recently broken up with my friend and I was tlaking to him about it and about me and my boyfriend.

    Because it was in a club we had to get right up close to each other to hear. Someone saw this and thought that we were kissing, not long it was compeltely around the club, back at our local pub just round the corner and someone had phone my boyfriend.

    He got hurt, but knew it was nothing.

    I hate it when people spread rumours like that. Luckily my boyfriend found the funny side, since I really didn't like that guy!!

    Ignore the umours hun, theyre rumours for a reason. But you do need to talk to him about it, jus let him know how you feel.

    Good luck and I hope you feel better.

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