
Run Buisness from prison???

by  |  earlier

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I want to start a buisness with 2 partners, but im about to go to prison for a few years. Can I work from inside a federal prison? And is there anything illegal about this?




  1. If your 2 partners are not going into prison, then they can run the show when your doing your time.  If you start your business before you go in, it will be fine.  Regardless if something is legal or not, once your inside those bars, it would be up to the guards to decide what you can and can't do.  So my advice would be to get it going prior to going, and you can keep tabs on it while your in.  If the guards allow you to conduct your business while in, then better all around.

    Good luck!

  2. Honestly it is possible, information sells. and sells and sells.

    Depending on when you go in, you can put together a great information product on a niche topic of lasting interest.

    Not one to live on pipe dreams but if set up right and especially with the added benefit of a self supporting affiliate program, you could have a nice pot stashed away for when you get out (hopefully not that long).

    In a growing number of correctional facilities, it may not be for an extended amount of time but some individuals do have access to the Internet and just checking stats aand all shouldn't actually take a large amount of time.

    Just make sure if you go this route, make sure your info is not common and the affiliate benefits are worth generating the interest to benefit not just you but those trying to sell your product.

  3. Sorry I have no firm answer, but you need to ask Authorities re this

    You will need a computer for on-line business and I dont think this is permissable.

    Also I have a program that will make money ,It is launching after 5 years in the making,May I say this in a bit off advice,I have been burnt with partnerships!! Be very careful!

    I watched family member in the same situation.Many people may agree with me, Partnership is very risky.

    Maybe you have someone to operate a computer on the outside for you This program will be building people, growing a a team under you ,giving you commissions The CEO is the only true  honest , caring , generous person in 15 years on a computer and I trust him so much, He has a life long ambition to help give people More good things in their lives,Friendship, money , investments, dating , occupation , helping with computers. etc.I have made a lot of new friends via this program ,,maybe this is the way to go

    Be Independant of partnerships, specialy if you would not be free to check things out.

    good luck.

  4. I have heard of this being done quite often. I beleive it depends on the prison but if you have internet access thats all you need. You could market and sell anything on the internet.   Good luck!

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