
Run a mile for final exam?

by  |  earlier

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For my PE final this year, I have to run a mile. To get an A, you have to run it under 10 minutes. A B is under 11, C is under 12, D is under 13, N is anything more than 13. The thing is, I can't run to save my life. Four years ago, I ran the mile in 15 minutes. I was only 10, though. I ran 1/2 mile on Thursday and it took maybe about 6 minutes. Then I ran almost 3/4 of a mile on Friday, but I have no idea how long that took. But by the end I was breathing weirdly and my teacher asked if I wanted to go to the nurse. I also felt like I was going to throw up, but I didn't. I'm going to try running a mile today. How else can I improve my chances of doing well on the final? Also, the gym teacher said that the final was worth 25% of your grade. I have an A+ right now. If I fail, how much will it drop my grade? Thanks.




  1. If you fail it could probably drop your grade to about a C.

    Anyway, to improve your chances, 1)drink ALOT of water during the day BUT not right before the run, because you dont want to have alot of water in your stomach while running

    2)eat healthy and sparingly that day, and don't eat withing 3 hours of the run 3)the night before eat plenty of pasta to have energy fror the race and dont eat much meat, or any kind of sweets or fats.

  2. I would recommend not doing any strenuous running the day before your final. This will give your body a chance to recover and be well rested for your run. If running is something you are not used to or conditioned for you really don't want to overdo it.

    My recommendation would be for you to go for a brisk walk today. Try to make sure that your arms are loose and you've got a steady pace. Focus on your breathing.

    Since you don't have a lot of time to condition, I would say try doing some intervals. For example try walking at a brisk pace for 2 minutes and then jog for 1 minute. Keep repeating this for either 30 minutes or 2 miles- whichever comes first. You should be able to carry on a conversation while walking, but still feel the effects of it. The idea here is to get your body used to the walking/running movements. When you finish this try walking slowly for 5 minutes to cool down. It is also important that you begin with a 5 minute walk. (Don't count the warm up or cool down as part of your 30 minutes.)

    Remember to rest the next day and get a good night's sleep. Stay hydrated and eat a healthy breakfast. Oranges are great for hydration and nutrition. I hope this helps.

    Best of luck!

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