
Run into a family member that was adopted out?

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Back in high school I became friends with this girl. Well I went home and told my mom the girls name and it turns out it was my second cousin who had been adopted out. We'll still friends. I also have another cousin who was adopted out that I have seen. My question is how many of you have had a family member adopted out that you didn't know about only to be reunited with them later?




  1. My older brother was adopted out and we found out later that one of my Great Uncles use to work with his dad and watched him grow up a little bit. Not the my Great uncle knew that at the time. My brother made contact with my mum in 1993 and my Great Uncle came over to Australia for a holiday (we are all originally form New Zealand) and mum and him got talking about it, as my brothers dad had just passed away and my uncle said that one of his old work mates had as well and it turned out to be the same person. We were so close but yet so far. I have since met my brother and you can tell he is my mum's son cause they have a huge resemblance. It is so cool to have a big brother when I grew up as the oldest to a little brother

  2. No, but I was adopted out, and recently met my half-brother (he had no idea his Da had an affair while on a buisness trip) it is a bit of an eerie experiance, but cool (I've always wanted to know my family- I know very little about my mum and everything I know about my Da is secondhand)

  3. i had a sister who was adopted out when i was only 5 0r 6 years old, and i finally met her in nov of 06, didn't run into her, but she came to find me!!!!  i knew it was her when i seen her cause she looks just like my mother!!!!  it was so cool

  4. i knew a few members of my bio family and realized when i was 19 that they were related to uncle came up to my husband and i in a store and told me his wife was my bio aunt..was exciting and really cool...i had met her years earlier..

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