
Runescape Autobots i need a good Autobot that works

by  |  earlier

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hey guys i need a sweet autobot website for woodcutting or mining.

i need a real good and easy one.

if you now one then i need your help.




  1. autobots as in transformers!!!

    honestly no one likes a cheater in a multiplayer game

  2. Jagex has many systems in place for the detection of auto programs.  Players caught using these programs are normally permanently banned with no chance of appeal due to the harsh stance Jagex takes against these kind of rule breakers.

    In addition, alot of these programs can have hidden keyloggers, spyware, and viruses built into them, which can steal your personal information and/or destroy your computer.

  3. The use of a macro is against the RuneScape rules, and the use of a macro will result in action taken against that player's account such as a permanent ban, and possibly having that player's IP address blocked from the RuneScape website

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