
Runing/Training advice please!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i'm in the 9th grade play on two soccer teams and need my legs to get biigger, i'm al ready fast but i at least want my legs to look powerful, so since its summer all i'm gonna be doin' is traing, so what/how sould i do this ? Run a mile a day? Do i1 legged hops? And whtat should i eat to help e build up muscle in my legs? aand one moe qustion will making them more muscular without running make me faster?




  1. playing soccer will be more helpful in building calf muscles than running, trust me.....if u play soccer alot, they naturally build.... running also helps....and having muscle wont necessarily make u run faster, however it will make ur legs stronger, so u'll have more of a kick when running

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